
COVID-19: Resources for the agri-food industry - funding, prevention and control information.

Below on this page you will find links to additional production information:

Dairy - Beef - Sheep - Swine - Poultry - Goats - Veal - Animal Care and Handling - Horses - Alternative Livestock - Aquaculture - Business Information Bundles - Predation - Helpful Links



  • Breeding and Reproduction
  • Business and Marketing
  • Calves and Heifers
  • Conferences, Meetings and Proceedings
  • Dairy Housing Information Bundle
  • Feeding and Nutrition
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Housing and Environment
  • Manure and Nutrient Management
  • Milk Quality and Procedures
  • Robotic Milking
  • Statistics
  • Organic Production
  • Functional Foods


  • OMAFRA Virtual Beef (Newsletter)
  • Conferences, Meetings and Courses
  • Business and Marketing
  • Cow-Calf
  • Feeding and Nutrition
  • Feedlot
  • Forages and Pastures
  • Genetics
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Statistics
  • Manure and Nutrient Management
  • Organic Production


  • Business and Marketing
  • Nutrition and Pastures
  • Small Ruminant Milk Quality and Food Safety
  • Genetics, Reproduction and Lambing
  • Health and Disease
  • Housing and Handling Facilities
  • Predator Control
  • Statistics
  • Wool
  • Deadstock Disposal
  • Organic Production
  • Functional Foods


  • Business and Marketing
  • Conferences, Meetings and Proceedings
  • Health Management and Biosecuity
  • Manure and Nutrient Management
  • Feeding and Nutrition
  • Pork News & Views (Newsletter)
  • Production Management
  • Small Scale Pig Farming in Ontario
  • Deadstock Disposal
  • Organic Production
  • Functional Foods


  • Broiler Breeders
  • Chicken
  • Layers
  • Business and Marketing
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Housing and Ventilation
  • House Fly Control in Poultry Barns
  • Manure and Nutrient Management
  • Feeding and Nutrition
  • Small Flock Poultry
  • Statistics
  • Turkeys
  • Waterfowl
  • Organic Production


  • Goat Business Information Bundle
  • Getting Started Producing Goat Milk
  • Dairy Goat Farm Production Requirements
  • Business and Marketing
  • Conferences, Meetings and Courses
  • Feeding, Nutrition and Pastures
  • Forages and Pastures
  • Milk Quality and Procedures
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Manure and Nutrient Management
  • Predator Control
  • Organic Production
  • Functional Food


  • Business and Marketing
  • Feeding and Nutrition
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Functional Foods
  • Deadstock Disposal
  • Organic Production

Animal Health, Care and Handling

  • Animal Health and Welfare Branch/ Office of the Chief Veterinarian for Ontario
  • Animal Health and Welfare
  • Ceptor - Animal Health News (Newsletter)
  • Livestock Disease Control and Prevention
  • Livestock Medicines
  • Farm Animal Care Helpline Service - 519-837-1326


  • Breeding and Reproduction
  • Care and Handling
  • Conferences, Meetings and Courses
  • Feeding and Pastures
  • Health Management and Biosecurity
  • Housing
  • Equine Neurological Disease (Herpes Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis, Rabies, West Nile Virus)

Alternative Livestock

  • Bison (Buffalo)
  • Camelids (Llamas and Alpacas)
  • Deer and Elk
  • Fur Farming
  • Gamebirds
  • Other Alternative Livestock
  • Rabbits
  • Ratites
  • Wild Boar
  • Deadstock Disposal


  • Aquaculture

Popular Topics

Business Information Bundles

  • Starting a Farm in Ontario - A Guide for New Farmers
  • Predation
  • Urban Agriculture: Livestock and Poultry
  • Beyond Production Agriculture Business Information Bundle

Information at Your Fingertips

  • Agriculture Development Branch (ADB) Successes
  • Ontario's Risk Management Program (RMP)

Border Closure

Decision Making Framework for Livestock Border Closures - Executive Summary

Issues Affecting Livestock Production

  • Acts and Regulations
  • Branch Staff Directory
  • Events Calendar