What Can a Dog Take for an Upset Stomach

Adrienne is a certified dog trainer and former veterinarian assistant who partners with some of the best veterinarians worldwide.

Tips for curing your dog's upset stomach.

Tips for curing your dog's upset stomach.

Here's a step-by-step guide to relieving your dog's upset stomach at home. At the veterinary hospital where I used to work, I learned about these effective, natural home remedies for a dog's GI problems. We would offer these tips as an option to owners of dogs with minor stomach upset when we had a shortage of vets and no same-day appointments available.

Not surprisingly, many of these clients didn't reschedule because their dogs recovered nicely after using these vet-approved remedies! The best part is that you can make these home remedies with ingredients in your pantry.

If followed carefully, these remedies may soothe or heal your dog's upset stomach. However, in some instances, they are not sufficient and medical treatment is the only choice. Here are the steps in brief, with more thorough explanations below.

Quick Look at the Steps for Relieving Your Dog's Upset Stomach With Home Remedies

  1. Determine if you should try to soothe your dog's upset stomach at home. You should NOT attempt home treatment if your dog is acting lethargic, vomiting continuously, having repeated squirts of liquid diarrhea, expressing bloody stools, or getting dehydrated quickly. Consider that young puppies can dehydrate quickly and that older dogs are vulnerable to excess vomiting or diarrhea.
  2. Check your dog's hydration levels, either by examining their skin elasticity or by checking their gums for color. See your vet immediately if your dog is dehydrated. You will find directions on how to check your dog's hydration levels below.
  3. Fast your dog for 12–24 hours, depending on their size and age. See the vet immediately if your dog continues to vomit even after you've taken food away.
  4. Limit the amount of water your dog drinks to prevent him from getting dehydrated. Though it may seem counter-intuitive, letting your dog gulp water may further irritate his or her stomach. See below for tips on how to avoid this.
  5. Feed a bland diet of rice and low-fat meat. Bonus foods could include plain canned pumpkin, a tablespoon or two of yogurt, or probiotics.
  6. Monitor your dog closely. After fasting and being fed a bland diet, your dog should have better-formed stools and no more vomiting episodes. Take your dog to the vet if they are acting lethargic or not like their normal selves.
  7. If this doesn't work, go see a vet. It's possible there is a more serious underlying condition.
  8. Re-introduce regular foods gradually. Never go back to their old diet quickly. That can cause stomach upset all over again.
A dog often drools when his stomach is upset.

A dog often drools when his stomach is upset.


Typically, dogs with a stomach upset will show the following symptoms:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Salivation
  • Desire to eat grass or to lick the carpets/floor
  • Loss of appetite
  • Passing gas
  • Gurgling noises from the stomach

Step 1: Determine If Your Dog Is a Candidate for These Remedies

Once again, the home remedies listed in this article are not for all dogs—some should see the vet as soon as possible, as their upset stomach may have a serious underlying cause that needs to be addressed.

So please see your vet if your dog is acting sick or lethargic, running a fever, and not acting as his normal self. There could be a serious condition that needs immediate veterinary attention, such as parvovirus, an intestinal obstruction, gastroenteritis, or pancreatitis!

So who are these remedies good for? They may help those dogs who:

  • Have an upset stomach from recently switching foods (new foods should always be introduced gradually!).
  • Underwent a recent dietary indiscretion—think raiding the trash can. This only applies if the dog did not consume fatty foods (which can cause pancreatitis), toxic products, or bones that can cause a blockage.

Do not try home remedies for an upset stomach if your dog is:

  • Acting lethargic
  • Vomiting continuously
  • Having continuous squirts of diarrhea
  • Expressing bloody stools. Some causes of bloody stools in dogs can be serious!
  • Getting quickly dehydrated.

Again, these remedies are only for mild cases due to dietary indiscretions or abrupt diet changes. Seek your vet if your dog is sick and the vomiting and diarrhea are severe and not getting any better. If in doubt, it's best to err on the side of caution and see the vet than to use home remedies and delay treatment.

Once you have determined that your dog may be a good candidate, you can move on to step two to make sure your dog isn't dehydrated and then you can try following the bland diet protocol.

Warning! If your dog's stomach appears distended or your dog is pacing nervously, drooling, and retching without producing vomit, see your vet immediately as this may be bloat, a life-threatening condition seen more often in deep-chested dogs.

Did You Know?

Stomach upsets are one of the primary reasons dogs see the vet, according to Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI)!

Read More From Pethelpful

Step 2: Check Hydration Levels

If your dog is vomiting or has diarrhea, you need to make sure he is not becoming dehydrated. Continuous vomiting and repeated liquid diarrhea may lead to a rapid loss of fluids. This is one of the biggest dangers for dogs suffering from vomiting and diarrhea.

Keep in mind that small dogs and puppies tend to become dehydrated more quickly than larger ones. To check your dog's hydration levels, do the following:

  • Check for Skin Elasticity—Among the tests we used to check for hydration levels was checking for skin elasticity since the skin quickly loses elasticity in a dehydrated dog because it starts lacking moisture. To check the level of skin elasticity: Gently lift the skin on the back or between shoulder blades in a tent using two fingers. If the skin snaps back quickly into position, good. If it delays, or worse, stays lifted, then the dog needs to be re-hydrated quickly. Often, this entails subcutaneous fluids from the vet (an IV).
  • Check the Gums—It is good practice to check the gums as well. Typically, a well-hydrated and healthy dog's gums are a nice salmon pink color and coated with a slimy film of saliva. Run your finger over your dog's gums and check for sliminess. Dry or tacky gums are a warning sign of dehydration.

    Another way we used to assess dehydration was by checking the dog's gum capillary refill time (CRT). When dehydration takes place, the volume of circulating blood is reduced from its normal amount. The gums are the best place to look for this. To check for capillary refill time do the following: Press on your dog's gums with your fingertip until the area becomes white, then remove your finger and count how long it takes for the gum's surface to return to its normal pink color. Generally, the normal refill time is less than two seconds. The average capillary refill time in a dog is 1.5 seconds. More than that may suggest the blood is not flowing normally.

Warning: See your vet immediately if your dog doesn't pass these hydration tests!

Step 3: Fast Your Dog

If your dog is experiencing stomach problems, fast him by keeping food away for about 24 hours.

If your dog is experiencing stomach problems, fast him by keeping food away for about 24 hours.

If the hydration levels check out, you can proceed to fasting. To fast, pack away any food he may have out and don't feed him anything (including treats!) for at least 12-24 hours. The purpose of this is to allow the gastrointestinal tract to rest and recover if inflamed.

Many dogs do this naturally by losing their appetites for a few hours after being sick. However, your dog may not be sick enough to lose his appetite, so you may need to step in to prevent him from further upsetting his stomach with food.

Fasting for a few hours will do no harm, and, in this case, it is considered therapeutic. Indeed, according to veterinarian Nancy Scanlan in an article for Veterinary Practice News, "Complete or modified fasting is a natural part of a wild canine diet and fasting or some form of reduced calories also benefits their health."

The general protocol for vomiting or diarrhea is to fast for a minimum of 12 to 24 hours. Puppies and small dogs should not fast for more than 12 hours—usually the whole night will suffice. If you own a small dog or young puppy, and you want to fast him 12 hours, rubbing a little bit of pancake syrup on his gums may help keep his energy level up and prevent his glucose level from dropping. Make sure the pancake syrup doesn't contain xylitol, a potentially lethal artificial sweetener!

Warning! See your vet immediately if your dog continues to vomit even after you have taken the food away!

Vet-Approved Protocols

Step 4: Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Don't let your dog gulp too much water at once.

Don't let your dog gulp too much water at once.

Often, water may cause further upset, leading to more vomit and actually increasing dehydration, creating significant problems. This usually happens if a dog with an upset stomach gulps down a large quantity of water in a short amount of time. Before you know it, all the water has come back up and he's back to square one.

To prevent your dog from consuming water too quickly, offer him ice chips instead—at least until he feels better. You can also try freezing Gatorade and offer it for him to lick. If there is no vomiting for at least four hours, you can try filling his bowl with small quantities of water. Don't let your dog gulp lots of water at once; try 1/4 to 1/2 cup an hour depending on your dog's size (unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian).

If your dog is able to keep down some water, you can then try offering some clear liquids such as plain Pedialyte, Gatorade, apple juice diluted 50:50 with water, or chicken/beef broth—with no onion or garlic—diluted 50:50 with water.

Warning! Puppies and small dogs tend to dehydrate much more quickly than larger ones. Use extra caution on these guys when they get an upset stomach!

Step 5: Start the Bland Diet

After the 12- to 24-hour fast, if there hasn't been any vomiting, and if he has been able to keep down small quantities of liquids, you may then offer a bland diet. A bland diet is a diet that is easy on the dog's stomach, similar to the BRAT diet in humans.

Bland Diet Recipe

You will need:

  • Boiled rice
  • White meat chicken or extra-lean hamburger

The recipe must contain 75% boiled white rice, and 25% low-fat protein (the chicken or ground beef). The rice is the bulk of the meal for the purpose of binding while the meat is mostly there to work as an enticing ingredient to encourage the dog to eat.

  • If you choose chicken, make sure the skin is taken off and there are no bones.
  • If you choose hamburger, make sure the meat is lean and the fat is drained off after cooking. Fat may cause pancreatitis and exacerbate the upset stomach.
  • Note: Do not add any oils, fats, or spices to the bland diet!

Offer the bland diet in three or four small meals throughout the day for a few days until your dog is feeling better.

According to veterinarian Jon Rappaport in an article for PetPlace.com, you can test whether your dog is ready for food by starting with a small amount such as a tablespoon. If he can keep it down successfully, you can then offer more two hours later. If he's still doing well on it, the meals can gradually become larger and spaced further apart. For example, you would go from two tablespoons every two hours to ½ - 1 cup every three or four hours.

What If My Dog Does Not Like the Bland Diet?

If you do not have any rice and chicken or ground beef or if your dog does not like the bland diet, you can try to feed meat-based baby food with no onion or garlic in it. This is very bland, and most dogs find it tasty. Warming the canned food up or adding a little bit of warm broth (again, with no onion or garlic in it) may make the food more enticing. Keep in mind though that a lack of appetite suggests he is not feeling very well, which is indicative that a vet visit is a better option than trying to force him to eat.

Some Bonus Ingredients:

  • Adding a dollop of plain yogurt or cottage cheese will help sooth the inflamed stomach and intestines, especially if the upset stomach is accompanied by diarrhea.
  • Probiotics such as FortiFlora may also help treat diarrhea by promoting the growth of good bacteria (see more below).
  • Plain canned pumpkin (without spices, not the pie mix) may further help with diarrhea as it firms up the stools. One to four tablespoons, depending on your pet's size, would help.
  • Additionally, many vets seem to agree that slippery elm bark can help for diarrhea. For more on this, read my article on slippery elm bark for dogs with upset stomach.

Not Looking Forward to Cooking? Commercially Available Soothing Diets

If you are not to eager to cook up the bland diet, or you want to keep your dog on a diet for dogs with sensitive tummies, there are commercial diets that are quite bland. According to veterinarian Dr. Rebecca, the following are some commercial bland diets:

• Hill's Prescription Diet I/D

• Purina Proplan EN

• Royal Canin GI

Step 6: Monitor Closely

Now that you've checked your dog for dehydration, fasted your dog, offered liquids, and started a bland diet, you must monitor for progress—hopefully—or signs of worsening. So monitor carefully during this time.

  • Do not hesitate to take him to the vet if he becomes lethargic, is laying around, and not acting like his normal self.
  • While on the bland diet, monitor your dog to make sure he has no more vomiting episodes and his stools are better formed.
Monitor your dog after starting the bland diet

Monitor your dog after starting the bland diet

What If the Upset Stomach Persists?

If your dog is still having an upset stomach despite the fasting and bland diet, it often means that the upset stomach is severe, and home remedies will not work.

Instead, a more intense treatment, such as meds, may be required from your vet. It also often means that there may be a problem that needs to be addressed, such as intestinal parasites, protozoans (e.g. giardia), or even a serious condition, such as parvo virus (which is common in puppies), gastro-enteritis, pancreatitis, an intestinal blockage, or another condition affecting the gastro-intestinal tract. At times, other organs may be affected, such as the liver and kidneys. So, go see a vet immediately if you think your dog has more than a mild upset tummy and don't try home remedies.

As seen, the natural home remedy of a bland diet may be helpful in many cases, but there are cases that need immediate vet attention. Usually, your dog's behavior will give you hints on what to do. Chances are that if your dog is not acting right, the vet may need to be seen the same day.

What If the Bland Diet Worked?

If the bland diet worked and your dog is feeling better (no more vomiting and more solid-looking bowel movements), then it is time to switch again to a regular diet. Be very careful; countless people switch too fast only to cause another upset stomach!

How to Reintroduce Regular Food

At this point, gradually add the regular diet and taper off the rice meal. This is best done very gradually and slowly over the course of a few days.

To give you an idea of how gradually:

  • Offer 75% of the bland rice diet with 25% of the dog's regular kibble and give it for three days.
  • If the dog does well, then offer half rice diet and half dog kibble in a 50-50 mixture for another three days.
  • If your dog seems comfortable, then start feeding 100% of his regular diet again.

This is the same protocol used when introducing any new food to your pet.

Never Introduce a New Food Right Away!

Any new food must be added gradually to the older food to prevent tummy problems. Most dog foods clarify how to do this in the feeding instructions. The only possible exception to this rule are special diets for sensitive tummies. These generally do not create problems when switched right away because they are very bland. Consult with your vet if in doubt!

Should My Sick Dog Be Nibbling on Grass?

Why do dogs eat grass frantically when their stomachs are upset? There are many theories. Some think dogs have in innate drive to eat grass in order to feel better. Indeed, it appears that the blades of grass trigger vomiting when the right amount is eaten. However, as much as your dog loves nibbling on grass when his stomach is upset, discourage this habit. Many lawns are treated with fertilizers and other chemicals, making the practice far from being therapeutic!

Note: If your dog tends to get an upset stomach when on his normal food, consider asking your vet to switch foods. At times, a special diet for sensitive stomachs may be recommended such as Hill's I/D or a homemade diet.

What About Over-the-Counter Meds?

Some over-the-counter medications may prove helpful for vomiting or diarrhea (Adrienne Mulligan recommends some in the video above). Nevertheless it is best to err on the side of caution when using over-the-counter meds; they should only be used while overseen by a veterinarian.

The most common over-the-counter meds used to treat diarrhea in dogs are Imodium A/D (loperamide) and Pepto/Bismol. While these are, for the most part, safe when given in the correct dosage, they may cause side effects. For more on this read: 5 Good Reasons Not to Give Imodium Without a Vet's Consent.

  • Immodium for diarrhea, also known as loperamide, for instance, can cause allergies in dogs that are sensitive to it (never give it to collie breeds and collie mixes) and should be used with caution in dogs suffering from hypothyroidism, kidney disease, and Addison's disease. It should not be given to elderly or severely debilitated animals unless recommended by a vet. If the diarrhea has been caused by the ingestion of toxins or bacteria, products like loperamide should be avoided, because the dog needs to clear out the toxins or bacteria from his system. According to veterinarian Dawn Ruben, due to the potential for overdose, dogs weighing under 20 pounds should be given loperamide in liquid form, not tablets. Constipation, bloating, and sedation are known side effects of loperamide.
  • Pepto-Bismol for diarrhea. Not everyone is aware that Pepto contains salicylate. Just two tablespoons of it contains as much salicylate as an aspirin, according to veterinarian Mark Papich. As with other meds, Pepto-Bismol can cause allergies to sensitive dogs. While no serious complications are associated with it, there seems to be no agreement that it is helpful either, further explains Mark Papich. A darkening of the stools after giving it is considered normal. Note: If your dog has bloody stool, the aspirin in the Pepto will thin the blood, which is not good!
  • Famotidine for vomiting. Better known as Pepcid A/C, this over the counter medicine is often approved by vets for dogs who have nausea and vomiting. Ask your vet for advice and dosing instructions.

What About Using Probiotics?

Probiotics are great for restoring good bacteria in your dog's gut. If antibiotics have been prescribed, they may have wiped away the good bacteria along with the bad. There are several types on the market, including:

  • Prostora, made by Iams
  • Proviable, made by Nutramax Labs
  • Fortiflora, made by Purina

There are of course, several more brands of probiotics for dogs over the market.

Most vets recommend giving probiotics after, not during, a course of antibiotics. According to veterinarian Lorie Houston, "Using antibiotics, such as metronidazole, with probiotics is a somewhat controversial topic. Some veterinarians recommend using one or the other but not both. Others feel that the two products can be used together. In this case, the worst-case scenario is that the antibiotics might kill some or all of the bacteria contained in the probiotic, rendering the probiotic ineffective." Some vets recommend giving the probiotics several hours before or after the administration of antibiotics to prevent this from happening.

If your dog has a sensitive stomach and repeated diarrhea, it may be helpful to get some probiotics to help him restore some healthy bacteria. Keep in mind, though, that because probiotics are alive, they must be stored in a cool place and have a short shelf life. If you are planning to use probiotics you bought for your dog's upset stomach in the past, check the expiration date to make sure they are still fresh!

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.

Questions & Answers

Question: How much Pepto Bismol can I give a 12 pound dog?

Answer: According to veterinarian Dr. Mark Papich from Pet Place, pepto should not be administered without first consulting with your veterinarian. The dose for dogs is 0.5 to 1.5 ml per pound per day (1 to 3 ml/kg/day). The total daily dose is typically divided into two to four doses, making it about about 2 teaspoons (10 ml) per 10-pounds per day, split between two to four doses. Pepto should not be used in dogs with allergies to aspirin.

Because that's a lot of liquid many dog owners prefer to give the pepto tablets. According to Vet Info, the tablet dose is ¼ tablet per 20 pounds of weight every 6-8 hours.

Question: What drug can I give to my dog? Someday back it vomited and its stool was somehow watery, it has refused eating. What can give him to aid fast relief?

Answer: For the most appropriate treatment, it would be important finding out what is causing the vomiting and watery stool in the first place. If the vomiting for instance is due to a blockage, it won't do any good giving meds as that would delay treatment which can turn into a life-threatening event. Treatment may vary greatly due to the variety of causes. Please give your vet a call.

© 2008 Adrienne Farricelli

Gary on July 26, 2020:

My lab is old and he got sick couole days ago and going down hill fast he drinks all he wants barely holding head up ive been pouring lil bits and he acts like cant get enough im afraid hes dying i cant keep nothing on his stomach tried babby food pedialyte lil stayed gave stomach pill. Nothing will stay sown what to do plwase reoly

Janie on July 11, 2020:

I have a 9 year old prom. and she has gotten a diarrhea and won't eat what is the best med for her?

Glenda on June 27, 2020:

My dog has liver damage that has resulted in brain damage

She has spells that will pass after a few days during this time; she wonders and sick of her stomach and seams to require more then normal water. How can I help her at thru this time mostly with her stomach issues.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 26, 2020:

Hi Jasmin,

Sorry but for some reason your comment popped up just today. With puppies there are high risks when there is vomiting and diarrhea as they can get dehydrated so quickly. There are also risks they may have parvo which is life-threatening and contagious. This is why the article emphasizes numerous times to play it safe and see a vet. I hope you were able treat your dog and take him to the vet and that he made a full recovery.

Jasmin Abenoja on May 17, 2020:

What do I need to do because yesterday May 15, 2020 the sister of my puppy died and we don't know what is the reason to her death but her conditions before she died was loss of apetite, can bearly stand, frequent vomiting white and yellow liquids, diarrhea. We cant even send her to the vet because of the Covid-19. And now May 16, 2020 my 5 months old pup is having a fever and he's not eating or drinking for a whole day. We tried to feed him foods but he still not eating we also tried to feed him chicken broth but he still refused to eat. My sister even buy a fever med and we already injected it to him but his fever never lower he still hot until 4 hours has passed. We really don't know to do. Please help me how to cure our dog. I don't want to loss another dog. I'm so scared right now what will to him tomorrow I dont want him to die too like his sister that only lives 2 day and she died.

Dan on December 01, 2019:

Hi my dogue de bordeaux is 4 month,his canine and molers are coming through,he has been sick"3 times,clear"and has soft stools,could it be because of his teeth,thanks

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 25, 2019:

Diana, whether to be concerned or not depends on what is causing the symptoms you are seeing in the first place. A vet visit may be in order to determine that. Has your dog eaten lately anything unusual?

Diana on November 23, 2019:

2 yr old husky, stomach gurgling like crazy, and passing gas, doesn't want to eat his usual joint supplement treats and didn't eat much dinner, should I be concerned

Sandi on March 24, 2019:

I have a 5 lb t-cup poodle. Her tummy is making gurgling noises. What can I give her as a home remedy? It is midnight & no vet to ask.

jessica on March 10, 2019:

Hi my tea cup puppy se maak is seer en as jy op sy magie druk dan moun hy Wat kan ek doen hy will nie eet of water drink nie

Ros White on February 21, 2019:

Our German Shepherd is being treated with antibiotics for sickness. He had BILE sickness this morning. Any advice please

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 04, 2019:

Hi Georgina, has your dog seen the vet? It sounds like she may benefit from some strong antacids. Tell your vet about the symptoms you are seeing. Your vet may prescribe perhaps famotidine or omeprazole considering that Pardale V tabs can predispose dogs to stomach problems. A vet should always be consulted before giving an over-the-counter medications and you must have a veterinarian-client-patient relationship.

Georgina Harper on February 01, 2019:

My Rotti is taking Pardale V Tabs two twice a day. She is now showing signs of acid. stretching body and mouth smacking mouth together as if she is going to be sick. Today she off her food. Looking for a good ant acid

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 19, 2018:

Good to hear things are going better lately. We saw a specialist for our 11 year old Rottie last week, and we ran a battery of tests (GI panel and ultrasound amounting to over 1K) and they were inconclusive, yet our boy is still having issues some nights. Next, internist wants to do endoscopy +-biopsies, but I worry and am debating about putting him through the sedation at his age which is pretty old for a Rottweiler. I hope your dog stays stable.

wife2abadge on November 12, 2018:

No. She's 17, so I'm not going to spend a bunch of money on a specialist, as much as I adore her. It's a random thing - she hasn't had an episode for a few months now, so I don't believe it's cancer or any disease. It would have progressed if it were.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 10, 2018:

Wife2abadge, has your dog seen an internist? A board-certified vet specializing in internal medicine can help diagnose mysterious issues causing an upset stomach in dogs. Many dogs have underlying causes such as irritable bowel disease, pancreatitis or underlying kidney or liver disease. My older dog had licking episodes and smacking of lips at night and she was finally found to have spleen cancer. Pepcid, Cerenia and Prilosec never helped her. There are some non-invasive tests that can help pinpoint the issue. Senior bloodwork along with a GI panel and ultrasound sound in order here. Both can be done without anesthesia if your dog is calm.

wife2abadge on July 29, 2018:

I feel like the Cerenia would have worked if nausea were the issue. She had a couple of tests, which is how they initially diagnosed stomach cancer and later decided it was diverticulitis. However, at somewhere between 15 and 17 years old, expensive tests seem inadvisable. I've done extensive Internet searching on this, and found a message board of people whose dogs all have these exact symptoms - exact! Many of them have spent thousands of dollars on testing that found absolutely nothing. I just keep posting in various places, hoping there is someone out there who got an answer.

Our vet gave us a script last week for an anti anxiety med to give her next time she has an episode, and suggested Mylanta. I can only imagine trying to gat 10cc of that down her!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 27, 2018:

Yes anything a dog ingests that is not regular dog food can cause bloody stools, but so can many other conditions. This warrants investigation with a vet. A good place to start is to bring a stool sample to the vet.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on July 27, 2018:

So sorry you are going through this. Sounds like a complicated matter that requires further investigation.Was an ultrasound done? And how about an endosdcopy or CT scan? This sounds like strong nausea and something you would want to consult about with a board certified veterinarian specializing in internal medicine.

Shelle on July 25, 2018:

Can a dog eating cat poop all the time cause this awful bloody stool

wife2abadge on July 23, 2018:

We are taking my dog to the vet Friday, but the seem at a loss as to how to treat her. This is a synopsis, sorry -- not short. 18 months ago, they told us she had stomach cancer. When she was still alive a year later, they decided she had diverticulitis of the stomach. She takes Famatodine and Flagyl twice a day. She's a 15-16 year old Jack Russell mix (we got her in 2006) who will still walk two miles on many mornings.


Had 2-3 episodes that lasted 3-4 hours, in the middle of the night. Episodes consist of compulsive licking of the floor, bed, rugs, EVERYTHING! She chews up the tassels on throw rug, and tries to pull up the carpet to chew on. Also drinks a LOT of water and gulps constantly, as well as gagging and "coughing". She gets rather panicky and will not settle down at all.

June 2018

Had 3 episodes one week in June, two in the evening and one in the middle of the night. Tried giving extra dose of Famotidine (no effect), tried giving a Tums. Once the Tums seemed to work. She passed a LOT of gas and calmed down. The second time she threw up a huge pile of foam. I gave her Cerenia on two of the dates, but it didn't have any effect. The final night, in desperation, I took her out and let her eat grass. She threw up after coming back in and then seemed to feel better. After these three episodes, we fed her chicken breast and white rice for several days, switched to I/D canned food, and gave her no other food except the little bit of cheese her pills are disguised in.

July 2018 (one month after previous episodes)

Had 3 episodes in one week, one in the evening, and two in the morning (before eating or getting out of bed). I took her outside to eat grass all three times, after catching her trying to tear up the carpet to eat. She spent 30-ish minutes eating crabgrass each time. Once she threw up outside halfway through and ate more grass, came in, and seemed all right. Twice she never threw up the grass, but after coming back in seemed mostly fine. She ate her breakfast and went to sleep once, and once spent a bit more time licking her bed, and then went to sleep.

Any thoughts? These episodes are awful to watch, and I don't get much sleep when they happen. She's a rescue who cries like we're stabbing her with hot pokers if we try to crate her, so that isn't an option. I'm afraid she'll chew up cabinets (and cry) if I shut her in a bathroom.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 26, 2018:

Perhaps the change was done too quickly. Many food bags now instruct to change over the course of 7 days. Lethargy and rock hard belly may warrant a vet visit. There are too many dog foods on the market nowadays, it is very difficult to pick one. Many dogs seem to do well on grain- free , high-quality diets. A veterinary nutritionsist is the best person to ask for a recommendation.

Jenelrox on May 24, 2018:

We recently switched foods for pup, we did the mixing of old & new for a few days, then went with the new only. I bought more of the new, but a diff flavor. After just a few days, she is lethargic and her belly is rock hard. I know its the food which we have stopped giving her, Should I give her the pepto and do the bland diet for a bit? Also could suggest a few reasonably priced dogfood?

linda on March 28, 2018:

I have five dogs rescued all of them two adults and three seniors.

Gets very costly as three on meds and trying to feed them healthier

As i just retired

Any suggestion can i give them hard boiled eggs and some brown rice couple of times a week to add to food how about coconut oil any suggestion on the oil what kind?

Thank you

Buster on February 25, 2018:

I have friends who come to visit,and Buster 130 lb. lab retriever intimidates them by his size.i just tell them he may lick you to death if you don't becarefull,for Buster it is a nervous tic.he does eat lots of grass though, he has had needy problem since he was a puppy

Charlie reichow on December 18, 2017:

Wally..had this before upset belly

Vet didnt seem to concern gave a

Shot of some thing.?...top vet knows

His dogs. I hand feed my dog doesnt

Go to the dish eat dry dog food. So

I give wet dog food..small dog 41/2

Pounds. I may help his upset i give

Lunch meat cut up. And i give little

Milk each day ..doesnt go to the water dish alot.?. Like i said been

To vet doesnt have the runs..

He had 18 teeth pull year 1/2 ago

He does throw up little . he means

A awful lot to me i dont have lot

Of money..vets are not cheap..

Hard to explain i know my dog

Maybe get away from cut up lunch

Meat will help.

He is a very stand offish from dog

Food..so i hand feed him maybe

Back off put down let him try on

His own..? ..just a little guy belly

Makes sounds..like i said had before

More then one time goes on for

Hours ..then with out food goes back

And feels better..apears.?. ...wish i

Can find something he would love

On his own to eat...last time vet gave

Him a shot for his upset belly..

In north branch.minn

padmini manuel on October 31, 2017:

boiled or steamed rice with curd is the best for stomach upsets be it man or doggies

Debbie Woods on September 22, 2017:

I just wanted to say ,this site is the best.

Beansprout on August 12, 2017:

My dash hand is 13. Sometimes she has trouble passing her stool as well. I switched her diet to raw BCR and she is a new dog, high energy and feels better. She was having anal gland problems where she couldn't go to the washroom and took forever, passing nothing. Also pumpkin in with the raw lamb made a huge difference. Worth a dietary change for sure!

Emma on July 22, 2017:

My dashund likes her food ,we try to keep her healthy, what worries me is after she has passed her stool,she still keep walking around trying to do more she will bop. perhaps five or six times but passes nothing,she is eleven years old ,she's been to the vets and been examined but they cannot find anything wrong,could it be old age,her stools vary in colour,she loves us to play with her,she is very active.

Sherry on July 12, 2017:

If that aforementioned bland diet doesnt work, stop the chicken! 3 vets and 3 months of diarrhea before a vet online suggested a LOT of dogs have become allergic to chicken after eating it for decades. Almost lost my dog. Changed his food to NO chicken at all and magically the next day he was back to normal.

Anne on July 05, 2017:

I have a question i have a puppy and she is not eating and she is vomiting like water her stool is liquid to.. Shes not active like yesterday what do i do? Im worried

Patricia parr on May 19, 2017:

I asked if a person can give a dog milk?? No answer.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 07, 2017:

Pat, milk can cause many dogs to become gassy and get an upset stomach. Try not giving milk anymore and see your vet if it continues. He shouldn't be in pain every evening, your vet may need to run several tests.

Pat Madison on May 06, 2017:

I have a 4lb Yorkie that has a problem with gas. He groans and is under stress. I didn't know they could not have milk because he likes to finish up my cereal . So tonight I looked on line to find out what is causing him to have so much gas. He doesn't drink milk very often but every night he's in pain . Please help, He eat Parina puppy chow. He must be at least 5 or 6 yrs old, he's a rescue . Thank you

darla .graber@ymail.com on April 23, 2017:

question... I have a dog that had surgery on Friday and is still not eating. she drinks and throws little bits of it back up. HELP...

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 17, 2017:

Joni, it is difficult to make the switch because human foods are more appealing to dogs. Perhaps you can ask your vet about starting with a good brand of canned food that is gentle on the stomach. Canned food is far more fragrant than dry. Then you can gradually add in dry food if that's what you are planning to give for the long term. Another brand of dog food that is really tasty and "human-food" like is the Honest Kitchen, which is dehydrated food to which you ad water and it turns into a soup, but you may want to ask the company if they have a formulation that is more gentle on the stomach since your dog is having digestive issues. You can even consult with a veterinary nutritionist if you want to keep cooking for your dog and prefer to use home-made recipes that are nutritionally complete and easy to digest..

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 17, 2017:

Jennifer, A bland diet is not meant to be fed long term, because it is not nutritionally incomplete. I would recommend having a throughout work-up from your vet to understand why this is happening. She may need medications for motility problems. Some dog owners find that adding some fiber such as plain canned pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie type with spices) helps increasing motility. To answer your question, yes, there are several dog foods for sensitive stomachs, but vets prescribe them generally after ruling out any medical problems that can be causing vomiting. Food once opened should be stored in an airtight container to prevent it from losing its fragrance. The shelf life of dog food varies, but generally, if you keep it from getting wet and exposed to air, it lasts longer. Check the expiration dates. Food that is expired can be rancid. Dog foods with natural preservatives generally have a much shorter shelf life. I hope this helps.

Jennifer on April 17, 2017:

My dog vomits a couple hours after she eats. It is undigested. She has no other symptoms at all, she still plays frisbee, drinks, eats 3/4 cup of food twice a day, she drinks regularly, and poop a couple times a day and it's normal, she gets no table scraps and maybe 1 or two small cookies (treats) per day. Her stomach is not distended or sensitive to the touch. Shes perfectly normal except for puking up the food. She does gulp, and recently got one of the slow feed bowls. Is there dog food for sensitive stomachs? And how long is dog food good for after its opened? I will be trying this bland diet thing as well as get her new food for her upset tummy. Please help.

Joni on April 15, 2017:

I have fed my dog with human food for years. I thought it was better and I didn't trust dog food companies. Now that I've realized what a big mistake that was, I have no idea how to repair the damage and make him eat dog food. He's been having on and off stomach problems for a while. I've taken him to two different vets and they both say it's a diet problem. Either he's had too much fat in his diet, or he just simply needs to switch to dog food. Now I've been giving him both the lean chicken and bland rice and dog food, but he barely touches the dog food and he's sick of the bland rice. He goes through phases in which he fasts and phases in which he's constantly hungry and can't be satisfied with anything. I'm a first time dog owner, and even though I've had him for 6 years now, I still don't know how to solve the food problem. He hasn't had any problem in the past. This problem is recent and it has become the single most stressful thing in my life. So since none of the vets are being helpful at all, and I can't afford more expensive tests and doctors, can anyone help? How do I make my dog eat dog food and hopefully start being healthy again!

Shel on April 05, 2017:

I have a question about my dad's dog. His dog is a pit mix & he licks everything doesn't matter what it is. The walls, floor, people, clothes your wearing, the other dog's-mine & my mom's, the doors, couch & pretty much anything else you can think of. I've told my dad that it's not normal but he says it's a pit thing/habit but I've never seen a dog that obsesses licks EVERYTHING. He said his full blood pit did the same thing but I don't remember him licking as much as his dog now doe's who also is a rescue who has bad behavior sometimes. So far during my study I haven't heard of this habit in pits but have been told by a Vet during my internship for Vet assistant that it's a sign an animal may need prozic. I'm still learning. I'm concerned about this behavior. Is it a common habit in pits or is it something more? Doe's anyone else have this issue? It does get annoying pretty quickly. If he was my dog I'd already had him at the Vets but per my dad it's nothing to worry about. Thank you for your help & time.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 02, 2017:

It could be the switch was done too quickly. Generally, the switch should be more gradually done over the course of 5-7 days with the new food being gradually added to the old. You can encourage fluid intake by offering an ice-cube to lick a little at a time. See your vet if this keeps on going on in case it's caused by another issue, not correlated to the diet change.

Sara on March 11, 2017:

I have A 2 year old Scottie terrier and I'm worried because he has not made a bowel movement in two and a half days what do I do

Amber on February 10, 2017:

Thank you, if you need to write more than that after reading this article, than you should be taking your animal to the vet and not typing long comments!!!!!

Ana Sosa on February 06, 2017:

I just found so many good advices concerning my dog condition, im very happy.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 19, 2017:

Has your dog gone to the vet? If so, and he is still sick, please report back to the vet or consult with a veterinarian specializing in internal medicine.

Joe on January 19, 2017:

I have a Shi Zu who is 20 pounds I know he is overweight, and he lick the carpet, I know that is a side effect of stomach, but as of lately my dog for about 15 minutes or so, he has a fever or so, as his stomach goes in and out, and he makes noice, when he get like that he get weak. Eventually it goes away. Can you please help

Vivek on January 15, 2017:

My 46 days old rott is vomiting again and again from past 4 days

Not eating just lying in floor

Medication such as metronidazole and Ondansetron are onn

What morr i should do to make him well

Plsss help

Leticia Leal on January 02, 2017:

Thank you for this information will be very useful now and in the future.

saira on July 31, 2016:

my bitch has stomach problem always. she only like vegs and dont like meat. what should i give to her. please recommend any home remedy

Fiona on July 05, 2016:

Hello.. thank you for all the great advice.

I adopted a rescued dog 6 weeks ago.. the first poop I saw had grass in it. He didn't eat much for the first day or so which I wasn't worried about as I knew the change in home could cause some stress to him. The next time he pooped his poop was very soft then turned to diarrhea then a dark purple mucus by the end of the day. I took that and the dog to the vet.

They tested for parvo and giardia, drew blood to check his white cell count etc and everything came back negative. They gave me metronidazole and a de wormer and put him on this bland diet. He didn't poop for 3 days but when he did it was more normal. He did throw up a few hours after I would give him the metronidazole in his food. I waited a few days before deworming and he threw up about 4 hours after taking that but the vet said it would have been in his system long enough to be effective.

Gradually moved him onto the Royal Canin Vet Diet GI High energy formula.

Within those first 2 week she had the costo lanb and rice food then the stater brothers kibble that the rescue family had given him and then the vet prescription diet. With all 3 foods I found that every 3-4 days his tummy would gurgle for hours and he would not eat that day until late in the afternoon or even close to 24 hours.

Vet tested for pancreatis and that was negative, his stools did firm up with the Vet Diet the Royal Canin one which he is still on BUT his tummy still does the gurgling/no eating thing every 3-4 days and twice in the past 3 weeks he has had soft stools which then turned to the dark purple mucus poop. Today he had a regular bowel movement which then turned to dark brown and runny, to purple mucus then almost clear mucus all within an hour. He does still drink water and I keep an eye on his hydration levels, hes never appeared to get dehydrated.

I'm at a loss as to what to do next .. he is a 70lb looks like american staffordshire mix dog. About 18 months old, was fixed about 6 months ago and is up to date on his shots.

This is an hour after the soft/black/purple mucus poop and I've just made some chicken and rice to offer him in a few hours.

He sleeps a lot and is a very mellow dog in general.

He has gone from a neglected puppyhood (underweight, kept in a yard for breeding and possibly beaten to 2 1/2 acres in the country to run on with other dogs but on a poor diet/still little care, his rescuers had limited finances, they told me he got worms from their other dogs and was filthy when I got him, to now living in a suburb so a lot of changes for him. I take him to the dog park 2-3 times a day and he comes to life around other dogs, loves to play and wrestle and run and he also gets a weekly walk on the beach before his bath and daily walks around the neighborhood.

I live in an apartment so he doesn't have access to eat plants or critters etc and it appears he came to me with this issue (had grass in his first bowel movement when he got here).

He is such a great natured dog I hate to see him suffer, he doesn't act like he is in pain or anything but he does sleep a lot.

I've already spent a small fortune at the vet.. so what do you think it cold be? What can I try next?

I'm going to try doing just the rice and chicken for a week? See if the tummy gurgling/day of fasting still occurs?

How much of the rice/chicken mixture should he get each day? He's 70lbs

Thank you!! I added as much information as I thought relevant to try help you .. oh he has had ear and eye infections since I got him and lick his paws a lot.. he had a small raw spot between his toes which healed quickly with hexachlor wipes and Resortin.

He can't seem to empty his anal glands himself, vet has done it and he has had his boy bits flushed with Chlorhexidene a few times because of a heavy green discharge. I know pupus is normal but the vet felt this was too heavy and green the flushing helps clear itup.

So all in all this little boy is having a rough time.. are they all connected? Is there something me and the vets are missing?

rubysmomma on June 22, 2016:

I need some advice. I have a 3 year old German Shepard and she has had diarrhea for 2 days now. She has had no vomiting, she has been playful as usual, no dehydration, and she is eating fine. What should I do?

tomg on June 22, 2016:

Hello- current status, Vet switched his food to Hills Prescription Z/D

Also giving 1 tablet/day Metoclopramide /day( split between two meals, and 2 tablets /day ( Morning/Evening) Metronidazole. Still giving 1/2 rice cake ( no salt)/evening snack. Also getting 2 acid pills/day( morning-night)

No treats or any other food.

Keanu at this point doing much better, stools are good,wants to play and he is eating the Z/D.

I will talk to our Vet Monday again, and report.

Hopefully he will continue to stabilize and have a good week.

tomg on June 18, 2016:

Last Monday Vet kept him on 2 more weeks of antibiotics( also reduces swelling inside). Keanu has not missed a meal( 3 times/day) of chicken breast/skinless, rice and pumkin ). This morning ( Saturday) after we went out where he did a hard stool, and plyed. I fed him( plus antibiotic , and acid pill), and about 1 hr latter in through up psghm and white rice. the chicken stayed down. Just like last Sunday( 6 days earlier) he did same through up.

I will call Vet( we have appointment to review) Monday, she wanted to mix Hills prescription W/D soon, since what I am giving him is not very balanced-no fat/no grain.

Just thinking perhaps I am giving him to much white rice for his digestive system?? Or the antibiotic can cause this??

Your thinking?

Thanks for caring. Keanu is not in any pain, and still has plenty of wnegy for a 12 year old mutt( best friend)

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2016:

Tomg, Sorry for the late reply, I have been away from my desk for over a week. How is your dog doing now?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2016:

These are questions your should address to your vet or ask a second vet for another opinion. Even better consult with a vet specializing in digestive issues or a vet nutritionist.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on June 17, 2016:

This sounds like a regurgitation problem that possibly involves the esophagus. Please see a vet as your dog may not be receiving enough nutrients if the food doesn't makes its way to the stomach.

tomg on June 08, 2016:

Keanu has a pancreas problem--I am sure this is not good. Vet allowing him to eat Chicken rice and pumkin only till we talk on Monday. He is still on antibiotics. Will see.

tomg on June 04, 2016:

Canine Maldgestion Panel tests and stool tests were good. Vet has him on Metronidazole 3 250mg tablets /day. Also eating white rice, chicken and pumkin--results he is much better stools are getting hard, and he is holding down food. I will move to 2 Metron tablets /day and start to bring back the Hills prescription diet w/d on Monday.

Will speak to Vet on Monday who ordered tests, an adjustment in Diet may be needed, but we must maintain calories for steady weight and vitamins etc for health.

Normal diet/day 1 can Hills W/D presription and 8 ounches of Rachel Ray Nutrise dry. Initial ,Vet thinks the Rachel Ray formula may not be good for him--thought we should also substitue 8 ounces of w/d dry for the RR dry. Also no more treats

Question--Are NO GRAIN foods better for dogs??Do these help, for dogs with my condition??

Your thinking??

tomg on June 01, 2016:

F/u-Called vet today as he is pushing loose stool, and is pushing nothing. Seems like right after he eats he has to go outside to do a poop. Vet advised to mix pumkin fill( non sugar), which I just started. If not better tommorow, Vet wants to see him. He has plenty of energy to play

tomg on May 31, 2016:

Per your question, Giving him ( Pepcid) Famotidine 20 mg tablets 2 times /day. One tablet before we go out in the morning, and 1 tablet before dinner around 9:30PM

If he takes a treat in the morning after I give him the Pepcid, all is good, if not I know he will not eat breakfast

He through up flem Sunday, but ate most of the rice( I added)/Hills w/D lunch and dinner

Unfortunately he had lose stool( had shape) , Sunday, Monday and a little today . I started him on Chicken/Rice yesterday ( last night-Monday)today. He ate it all he SEEMS FINE for now.

Does he have Infamatory Bowl disease??

I talk to a lot of people and someone told me a diet of chicken and sweet potato could work?? Should I only try Chicken and rice and drop the Hills WD?

Again problem if its going to happen is only when he gets up in the morning??


he has had a lot of tests-Nothing

Dan Smith on May 30, 2016:

My 10-y-old toy Yorkshire terrier always has a good appetite but for the last few days he can't keep anything down. I've given him small pieces of white toast, cooked chicken, potato, pasta, as soon as he eats it it comes back up. He still has energy but I'm getting worried. Should I take him to a vet or let it work itself out?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 23, 2016:

A vet visit is in order when dogs refuse to eat and small dogs are more prone to get dehydrated quickly.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 23, 2016:

Usually when there is vomiting on an empty stomach it has to do with buildup of acid. Have you tried on top of the snack at night, giving something early in the morning? It is odd though that he doesn't eat afterward and is low on energy, as acid reflux is usually short lived and dogs go back to eating afterward. At this age, I would think more testing may need done if the actual regimen is not working. Something to note, are you giving pepo or pecid? Usually pepcid is the drug of choice for reflux.

tomg on May 16, 2016:

We have been in touch about 2 years ago. my dog Keanu, has a very sensative stomach. Currently under Vets advise full can of Hills Prescription W/d , 1 probiatic( Proviable DC , and two pepo tablets per day. Plus he gets 1/2 rice( no salt) cake at night.He has been to the Vet for some serious tests with no known issues.

Problem--about 2 times/month he vomits flem when he wakes up, and will not eat till the next day full of energy. He also may have diareah, and flem in his stool. I worry about him, he is now 12 years old.

Now due to allergies, licking and chewing his paws, 3 benadril/day + antibiotics for 2 weeks( vet advise-infected paw)

HELP/YOUR THINKING Any other suggestions on his stomach issues. Whether its noise , throwing up flem and bile ( a house mess), it only happens when he wakes up. If he is fine in the morning he is fine all day??

Any Thoughts???

Marzelle on May 14, 2016:

Please give me advise my miniture doberman 8mths old had an upset tummy today.. he ate at lunch time as normal but with runny tummy and as the day progressed he didnt seem himself if you call him he doesnt even come to me. I made rice and chicken but he refused to eat or drink.... he gets up and goes out to do his business.....what do i do? Im so worried

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 09, 2016:

When there is weakness, best bet is to see the vet.

Lucy Torres on May 07, 2016:

My pit bull is 9 months old and he is very active and has a great appetite... he seemed fine the day before and in the morning he was very weak and no appetite this is not him what should I do

Leasia on April 22, 2016:

I have a 9 yr old girl shih Tzu and welcome any information concerning her health...thank you so much!

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 07, 2016:

Since your dog is on chemo and therefore has medical problems, these are questions you should ask your vet to play it safe.

Ellenwalsh on March 31, 2016:

Can I use both a probiotic and yogurt in my dogs food for an upset stomach. She is also on Chemo. She has soft stools now. If I add Pumpkin what dose would you recommend? She's 17lbs.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 18, 2016:

I would ask the vet exactly what parasite was found. I am not aware of any parasites that require no treatment. Usually dog owners are sent home with some medication. Perhaps consult with another vet.

stephanie coughlin on March 16, 2016:

My French Bulldog puppy is 4 1/2 months old. When I got him he was on a Raw Diet. I took him to my Vet the next day for a Wellness Exam. The Dr. took a stool sample and said my puppy had a parasite that usually only shows up in livestock from eating raw food. He said it was not something he was worried about or that needed to be treated with medication because it would go away on its own. So I have been transitioning him over to a new kibble from the previous kibble the breeder had him on. He was okay for the first week or 2 but now he has diarrhea on and off but his stools are never firm and yesterday his belly was gurgling and he was Burping a lot and it smelled horrible. I feed him the kibble twice a day and organic boiled chicken for dinner. I have been giving him some plain full fat yogurt, some banana, or blueberries as a mid day snack. What am I doing wrong? I called my Vet this Morning but he's not in until tomorrow. I was thinking maybe I should start my puppy on some FortiFlora which is a Probiotic Known To Help Support Strong Immune Systems and digestive tracts. Or should I ask my Dr. for a prescription of Metronidazole? Any Advice would help. I started my puppy on the 75% plain boiled rice with 25% boiled chicken for breakfast. He ate the whole bowl then took a bowel movement and it wasn't diarrhea but it was firm either. And the smell could burn your eyes it was so strong! French Bulldogs have such sensitive stomachs! He is my 2nd Frenchie and I went thru this with his 1 yr old Sister when she was a puppy as well.... Thank You for any help and advice...

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 07, 2016:

No the chicken and rice is not meant to be fed long term, only for a short time. To prevent going to poop at 1-2 AM you can try to feed them earlier.

doveturtle on March 06, 2016:

I have two boxers and they have very sensitive stomachs. I have been giving them chicken and rice 3 x's a day for the last 3 months as per recommendation of the vet. I also give them a tblspoon of yogurt in the morning meal. Lately they haven't been pooping like they usually do. It is much less and has gone from 2-3 times a day to 1-2 times a day.. Also they have been wanting to go out at 1 -2 AM to poop (something new.. they usually go out at 10PM to call it a night) what can I do to get them back on schedule and is the chicken and rice sufficient enough for long term??

Kim on January 25, 2016:

My dogs symptoms are stomach gurgling really loud and he just isn't himself. This has been 1 month today. He had a stomach ultra sound, X-rays, blood work and urinalysis. All results were normal. He is on prednisone, metronidazole,sucralfate, tylan, and pepcid. He hasn't shown any improvement. The stomach sounds terrible. I am at a loss, and have spent a lot of money. Do you have any suggestions? His diet is boiled chicken, canned food, pumpkin with his meds, and coconut oil. I am getting desperate. The only thib=n the X-rays showed were his hips are bad. He is a 11 year old 20 lb male shih tzu.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 11, 2016:

Since there's repeated vomiting, yes, your dog's upset stomach requires definitively vet attention. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Kona on January 11, 2016:

Hello, My dog keeps throwing up bile, she threw up Thursday day and Friday night had dheriea and then threw up Sunday morning and monday morning... should i take my dog into see the vet.. im so worried

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 11, 2015:

I am not sure what you mean by small bors and how he could have an upset stomach after being ran over. Do you mean you think your dog has ingested something and has a blockage?

Dot taylor on November 07, 2015:

My male dog got ran over and it was discovered that he has lots of small bors in his stomach. What should i give him to hel0 him pass them

MelindaJGH on October 05, 2015:

Very helpful article! Thank you! Our labrador eats whatever he can find, so we try to limit his access.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 30, 2015:

Slippery elm for dog upset stomach can be found in many health stores, it's not labeled for dogs, it's just the slippery elm bark used for humans. Always consult with your vet or a holistic vet first, before giving any natural remedies and natural cures.

Maria on August 30, 2015:

My dog has an upset stomach and I have tried pumpkin, rice, Imodium, Pepto bismol, Kaopectate, ginger, Mylanta, and now after reading your hub I would like to try slippery elm as it's all natural. When my dog has an upset stomach she starts shaking, panting, licking the carpet, drooling and her stomach makes gurgling sounds. Last time she got an upset stomach after boarding. Can you please tell me a good place to get the slippery elm? thanks from a concerned looking for natural cures for her dog's upset stomach.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 20, 2015:

Hello Lee, Sorry I got back to you so late. I have been quite busy and have dozens and dozens of comments to moderate and have a hard time keeping up. I hope that by now your dog recovered well from his digestive problems.

lee on May 09, 2015:

I recently called into an animal hospital with questions on what home treatment can I do. What should avoid. Should I induce vomiting. Their response was they could offer no advice unless I drove an hour to the clinic and the fee would be 120$ for consultation. And general look over. I'm so grateful I can Google search and even more grateful to find legitimate and creditable information. I pay for vet visit often but my gratefulness is the availability of gaining knowledge and Better awareness! Thank you.

lee on May 09, 2015:

I just want to share my gratitude for the opportunity of reading and finding this article.gaining knowledge and awareness of the best treatment option with out having to pay a fee or be scene by a vet or animal hospital if you don't bring them in. Thank God!! Resources for ourselves and our pets are what contributes to health and how serious a condition is or is not.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 01, 2015:

If this happened 9 hours after eating and it was in the night, you were likely seeing bile which is brought up when the dog's stomach is empty. This can happen when excessive acid is produced in the night when the stomach is empty for a while; however, it could be caused by other things too. If your dog has an appetite after vomiting, it could have been simply acidity, and it shouldn't affect his recovery. Just to be safe, it's better giving the diet in small amounts throughout the day and observe the dog hoping it's kept down, however, if the vomiting continues at night or other times of the day or other symptoms appear, it's an indication that the vet must be sought since as the article explains, not all dogs are good candidates for a bland diet. If your dog keeps vomiting in the night, your vet may need to prescribe an acid reducer or conduct some tests. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Apple on May 01, 2015:

My dog was vomiting after eating or after a few hours and his vomit was solid. I made him fast for 12 hours and gave him the bland diet. He didnt vomit but after 9 hours from his last meal(we were asleep), he then vomited a yellowish liquid. Should I just continue giving him the bland diet?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 30, 2015:

Many dogs once they taste something as good as chicken won't go back to eating their kibble or other foods they were previously fed. It's like if we go to a 5 start restaurant and don't want to go back to McDonald's. Vomiting at night is often seen when dogs are on an empty stomach for too long (they vomit bile )and too much bile accumulates. Since your dog is eating chicken at night, this might not be the case. It could be your dog is eating too much at once, and this is causing your dog to vomit or it could be he's eating chicken parts that are too fat (skin) or he;s not used to eating this food or has an intolerance, regardless, it's best to see your vet to make sure that there's nothing else going on. Sometimes when dogs start eating only certain foods rather than others, it could be a sign of a digestive problem.

Kv on April 30, 2015:

my dog wants to eat nothing except for boiled chicken. Though before he eats anything. Now he only eats at night, and wants to eat a lot of chicken. After which I started noticing him vomitting at night, he would eat grass and his vomit is still kinda solid. This has been for 2 nights already. Is this Indigestion? Should I also not give him water for 12 hours?

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 24, 2015:

The best way to settle her stomach for good is preventing her from getting into the rabbit turds and pine nuts in my opinion if that's what's causing the symptoms you see. The vomiting phlegm with some dog food is also occasionally seen when dogs drink a whole lot of water at once. How old is your dog? It would be best to keep her from eating those stuff and observe if she still gets these episodes. I would see the vet before trying home remedies as foam sometimes is seen in dogs with heart problems:https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Why-is-my-Dog-Coughing...

rose on April 24, 2015:

my dog Ellie (Rat Terrier/Beagle mix) is from time to time throwing up white homey flem with bits of her dog food and some time just gags with nothing coming out. She eats well and drinks a fair amount of water but she is always eating rabbit turds and I think pine nuts (as I have a lot of pine trees) in the grass and at times I hear her tummy growl do you think I should try plain yogurt or cottage cheese mixed in her food once a day would help settle there tummy

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on March 15, 2015:

Thanks pstraubie48, I am happy you found the article useful. I used these upset stomach remedies for dogs several times. Best wishes!

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on March 14, 2015:

My daughter worked for a vet for almost five years and she learned so much. Now when her pup has a tummy ache she knows what to do. Soon her pup will be my pup as she is moving and I will be taking her pup who loves me by the way.

I will check with her on tummy issues and also will recheck here too

Well done...

Thanks for sharing

Angels are on the way to you this morning ps

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on February 04, 2015:

I am happy you found my hub on dog upset stomach helpful, thanks for stopping by!

Brandon Hart from The Game on February 02, 2015:

This is good to keep in mind. Thanks for the hub.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on January 17, 2015:

Awwww, thank you! I too had many sleepless night with the occasional pup with a bad case of diarrhea. If it's brought from something minor such as a dietary change, the bland diet really helps a lot. Another favorite at my house is slippery elm, it's like nature's natural pepto bismol!

King Gregg Schultz from United States of Canada (R.F.F.) on January 16, 2015:

That picture of the poor pup with the thermometer up at the top is so adorable. Aww, poor thing! The Rottweiler is so cute too! Anyway, thank you for the useful information in this hub and the additional info you added in the comments - you're so knowledgeable. My dogs have had upset stomachs in the past and it's been some of the worst, most sleepless nights I've experienced. This info will be handy for me as well as countless other dog owners.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on November 01, 2014:

Another good remedy for dog upset stomach is slippery elm, see my article on it. Of course, as with the bland diet, it's only for mild digestive upset.

Adrienne Farricelli (author) on October 06, 2014:

Always best to see vet to play it safe especially with an unspayed female which can be prone to pyometra. The ridges you see may be hives which can form from an allergic reaction, but many other things. Please see your vet as 3 days is a long time and she is not getting any better.

What Can a Dog Take for an Upset Stomach

Source: https://pethelpful.com/dogs/Dog-upset-stomach-home-remedy

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