Openfoam Large Continuity Error Steady State


SimpleFoam is a steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow, using the SIMPLE (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations) algorithm. In the newer releases it also includes an option to use the SIMPLEC (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations Consistent) algorithm.


  • 1 Solution Strategy
  • 2 Equations
    • 2.1 Momentum Equation
    • 2.2 Pressure Equation
      • 2.2.1 Simple
      • 2.2.2 Simplec
      • 2.2.3 Step by step analysis of the pressure equation
    • 2.3 Avoiding checker boarder effects
    • 2.4 Equations for the turbulence
  • 3 References

1 Solution Strategy

The solver follows a segregated solution strategy. This means that the equations for each variable characterizing the system (the velocity  \bold u , the pressure  p and the variables characterizing turbulence) is solved sequentially and the solution of the preceding equations is inserted in the subsequent equation. The non-linearity appearing in the momentum equation (the face flux  \phi_f which is a function of the velocity) is resolved by computing it from the velocity and pressure values of the preceding iteration. The dependence from the pressure is introduced to avoid a decoupling between the momentum and pressure equations and hence the appearance of high frequency oscillation in the solution (check board effect). The first equation to be solve is the momentum equation. It delivers a velocity field  \bold u^* which is in general not divergence free, i.e. it does not satisfy the continuity equation. After that the momentum and the continuity equations are used to construct an equation for the pressure. The aim is to obtain a pressure field  p^{n} , which, if inserted in the momentum equation, delivers a divergence free velocity field  \bold u . After correcting the velocity field, the equations for turbulence are solved. The above iterative solution procedure is repeated until convergence.

The source code can be found in simpleFoam.C

          /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\   =========                 |   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox    \\    /   O peration     | Website:     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright (C) 2011-2018 OpenFOAM Foundation      \\/     M anipulation  | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- License     This file is part of OpenFOAM.       OpenFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or     (at your option) any later version.       OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License     for more details.       You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     along with OpenFOAM.  If not, see <>.   Application     simpleFoam   Description     Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow, using the SIMPLE     algorithm.   \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/          #include "fvCFD.H"          #include "singlePhaseTransportModel.H"          #include "turbulentTransportModel.H"          #include "simpleControl.H"          #include "fvOptions.H"          // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //          int          main(          int          argc,          char          *argv[          ]          )          {          #include "postProcess.H"          #include "setRootCaseLists.H"          #include "createTime.H"          #include "createMesh.H"          #include "createControl.H"          #include "createFields.H"          #include "initContinuityErrs.H"          turbulence->validate(          );          // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //          Info<<          "\nStarting time loop\n"          << endl;          while          (simple.loop          (runTime)          )          {          Info<<          "Time = "          << runTime.timeName          (          )          << nl << endl;          // --- Pressure-velocity SIMPLE corrector          {          #include "UEqn.H"          #include "pEqn.H"          }          laminarTransport.correct          (          );         turbulence->correct(          );           runTime.write          (          );           Info<<          "ExecutionTime = "          << runTime.elapsedCpuTime          (          )          <<          " s"          <<          "  ClockTime = "          << runTime.elapsedClockTime          (          )          <<          " s"          << nl << endl;          }          Info<<          "End\n"          << endl;          return          0;          }          // ************************************************************************* //

2 Equations

2.1 Momentum Equation

The equation of motion in simpleFoam are written for a moving frame of reference. They are however formulated for the absolute velocity (the derivation of the equations of motion can be found in and also in Some additional information can be found in

  \frac{\partial  \left( {u}_{rj} u_i \right) }{\partial x_j} + \epsilon_{ijk}\omega_i u_j=        - \frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial p} {\partial{x_i}}   + \frac{1}{\rho}\frac{\partial}{\partial x_j} \left( \tau_{ij} + \tau_{t_{ij}} \right)

 u represent the absolute velocity,  u_r the relative veloicty,  \omega the angular velocity of the rotating fram of reference and  \tau_{ij}  and  \tau_{t_{ij}}  are the viscose and turbulent stresses. Not that in simpleFoam the momentum equation solve, is divided by the constant density  \rho . Note that since the relative velocity  u_r appears in the divergence term, the face flux  \phi appearing in the finite volume discretization of the momentum equation should be calculated with the relative velocity.

The source code can be found in UEqn.H:

          // Momentum predictor          MRF.correctBoundaryVelocity          (U);       tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn          (          fvm::div          (phi, U)          + MRF.DDt          (U)          + turbulence->divDevReff(U)          ==         fvOptions(U)          );     fvVectorMatrix& UEqn = tUEqn.ref          (          );       UEqn.relax          (          );       fvOptions.constrain          (UEqn);          if          (simple.momentumPredictor          (          )          )          {          solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad          (p)          );           fvOptions.correct          (U);          }

The source code of the acceleration resulting from the description in a moving frame of reference can be found in the following src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/MRF/MRFZoneList.C

    Foam::tmp<Foam::volVectorField> Foam::MRFZoneList::DDt          (          const          volVectorField& U          )          const          {          tmp<volVectorField> tacceleration          (          new          volVectorField          (          IOobject          (          "MRFZoneList:acceleration",                 U.mesh          (          ).time          (          ).timeName          (          ),                 U.mesh          (          )          ),             U.mesh          (          ),             dimensionedVector(U.dimensions          (          )/dimTime, Zero)          )          );     volVectorField& acceleration = tacceleration.ref          (          );       forAll(*this, i)          {          operator[          ]          (i).addCoriolis          (U, acceleration);          }          return          tacceleration;          }

The calculation of the Coriolis force is done in the file src/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/MRF/MRFZone.C

          void          Foam::MRFZone::addCoriolis          (          const          volVectorField& U,     volVectorField& ddtU          )          const          {          if          (cellZoneID_ == -1          )          {          return;          }          const          labelList& cells = mesh_.cellZones          (          )          [cellZoneID_];     vectorField& ddtUc = ddtU.primitiveFieldRef          (          );          const          vectorField& Uc = U;          const          vector Omega = this->Omega(          );       forAll(cells, i)          {          label celli = cells[i];         ddtUc[celli]          +=          (Omega ^ Uc[celli]          );          }          }        

In the following the numeric used to solve the momentum equation are briefly explained. The first step performed is to assemble the matrix which is later solved to obtain the estimate of the velocity  \bold u^* :

      tmp<fvVectorMatrix> tUEqn          (          fvm::div          (phi, U)          + MRF.DDt          (U)          + turbulence->divDevReff(U)          ==         fvOptions(U)          );

In the usual semi discrete form it can be written as (see also [1]. ):

    \bold{a_P u_P} + \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N} = \bold b_P

 \bold a_P are the matrix coefficient associated with the centre point P,  \bold a_N the matrix coefficients associated with all neighbours influencing the computational stencil around point P and  \bold b_P is the source therm. The sum  \sum_N is taken over all neighbours influencing the computational stencil around point P.

The next step performed is the under relax the equation:

      UEqn.relax          (          );

          The under relaxation is required in order to prevent the solution to diverge. Even though the discrete equation of the momentum        

equation is linear, the non linearity is resolve by using the solution of the previous iteration. This causes a large change of the new velocity leading often to divergence [2]. Using Patankar's implicit under relaxation the new semi discrete momentum equation can be written as:

    \frac{1}{\alpha}\bold{a_P u_P} + \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N} = \bold b_P + \frac{1 - \alpha}{\alpha}\bold{a_P u_P}^{n-1}

Here  \alpha denotes the under relaxation factor and  \bold{u_P}^{n-1} denotes the solution at the previous iteration step. The source code for the under relaxation can be found in fvMatrix.C (see also

       template<class Type>          void          Foam::fvMatrix<Type>::relax          (          const          scalar alpha)          {          if          (alpha <=          0          )          {          return;          }          if          (debug)          {          InfoInFunction              <<          "Relaxing "          <<          (          )          <<          " by "          << alpha << endl;          }          Field<Type>& S = source(          );      scalarField& D = diag(          );          // Store the current unrelaxed diagonal for use in updating the source          scalarField D0(D);          // Calculate the sum-mag off-diagonal from the interior faces          scalarField sumOff(D.size          (          ),          0.0          );      sumMagOffDiag(sumOff);          // Handle the boundary contributions to the diagonal          forAll(psi_.boundaryField          (          ), patchi)          {          const          fvPatchField<Type>& ptf = psi_.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi];          if          (ptf.size          (          )          )          {          const          labelUList& pa = lduAddr(          ).patchAddr          (patchi);              Field<Type>& iCoeffs = internalCoeffs_[patchi];          if          (ptf.coupled          (          )          )          {          const          Field<Type>& pCoeffs = boundaryCoeffs_[patchi];          // For coupled boundaries add the diagonal and          // off-diagonal contributions          forAll(pa, face)          {          D[pa[face]          ]          += component(iCoeffs[face],          0          );                      sumOff[pa[face]          ]          += mag(component(pCoeffs[face],          0          )          );          }          }          else          {          // For non-coupled boundaries add the maximum magnitude diagonal          // contribution to ensure stability          forAll(pa, face)          {          D[pa[face]          ]          += cmptMax(cmptMag(iCoeffs[face]          )          );          }          }          }          }          if          (debug)          {          // Calculate amount of non-dominance.          label nNon =          0;          scalar maxNon =          0.0;          scalar sumNon =          0.0;          forAll(D, celli)          {          scalar d =          (sumOff[celli]          - D[celli]          )/mag(D[celli]          );          if          (d >          0          )          {          nNon++;                  maxNon = max(maxNon, d);                  sumNon += d;          }          }          reduce(nNon, sumOp<label>(          ), UPstream::msgType          (          ), psi_.mesh          (          ).comm          (          )          );          reduce          (          maxNon,              maxOp<scalar>(          ),              UPstream::msgType          (          ),              psi_.mesh          (          ).comm          (          )          );          reduce          (          sumNon,              sumOp<scalar>(          ),              UPstream::msgType          (          ),              psi_.mesh          (          ).comm          (          )          );          sumNon /= returnReduce          (          D.size          (          ),              sumOp<label>(          ),              UPstream::msgType          (          ),              psi_.mesh          (          ).comm          (          )          );            InfoInFunction              <<          "Matrix dominance test for "          <<          (          )          << nl              <<          "    number of non-dominant cells   : "          << nNon << nl              <<          "    maximum relative non-dominance : "          << maxNon << nl              <<          "    average relative non-dominance : "          << sumNon << nl              << endl;          }          // Ensure the matrix is diagonally dominant...          // Assumes that the central coefficient is positive and ensures it is          forAll(D, celli)          {          D[celli]          = max(mag(D[celli]          ), sumOff[celli]          );          }          // ... then relax          D /= alpha;          // Now remove the diagonal contribution from coupled boundaries          forAll(psi_.boundaryField          (          ), patchi)          {          const          fvPatchField<Type>& ptf = psi_.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi];          if          (ptf.size          (          )          )          {          const          labelUList& pa = lduAddr(          ).patchAddr          (patchi);              Field<Type>& iCoeffs = internalCoeffs_[patchi];          if          (ptf.coupled          (          )          )          {          forAll(pa, face)          {          D[pa[face]          ]          -= component(iCoeffs[face],          0          );          }          }          else          {          forAll(pa, face)          {          D[pa[face]          ]          -= cmptMin(iCoeffs[face]          );          }          }          }          }          // Finally add the relaxation contribution to the source.          S +=          (D - D0)*psi_.primitiveField          (          );          }        

After the under relaxation the contribution of the pressure gradient is added to the right hand side of the matrix and the system is solve:

          solve(UEqn == -fvc::grad          (p)          );

The equation in semi discrete form looks as follows:

    \frac{1}{\alpha}\bold{a_P u_P} + \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N} = \bold b_P + \frac{1 - \alpha}{\alpha}\bold{a_P u_P}^{n-1} - \nabla p_P

 \nabla p_p denotes the contribution of the pressure gradient to the equation of the cell centre p. It depends on the scheme chosen to discretize the gradient operator.

Important for the understanding of the later described pressure equation is that the contribution of the pressure equation is not added to the source therm of the matrix object UEqn. Rather a new fvMatrix object is returned by the call of the overloaded operator == to the function solve:

          UEqn == -fvc::grad          (p)        

The function solve is then executed, which solves the new fvMatrix object in order to obtain the estimate  \bold u^* by also considering the contribution of the pressure equation. Note that the the volVectorField U is modified by solving the matrix since the solution vector  \psi of the matrix is a reference to U. An explanation of the the implementation can be found also in

2.2 Pressure Equation

In this section the pressure equation solved in simpleFoam in order to ensure the mass conservation is derived. A good explanation of the derivation of the SIMPLE and also SIMPLEC method in simpleFoam can be found also in

Starting point for the derivation of the pressure equation is the momentum equation in semi discrete form after the solution of the momentum equation:

    \bold{a_P^* u_P^*}  = - \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N^*} + \bold b_P + \frac{1 - \alpha}{\alpha}\bold{a_P u_P}^{n-1} -  \nabla p_P^{n-1} = \bold {H[u^*] } -  \nabla p_P^{n-1}

After dividing the above equation by  a_P^*  we obtain:

    \bold{u_P^*}  =   \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \frac{\nabla p_P^{n-1}}{a_P^* }

Note that according to and also in the continuity equation is the same for the relative velocity described in a reference frame subject to a rigid body motion and the velocity described in an inertial frame of reference. For that reason the following equation are valid for the relative velocity \bold{u_{Pr}^*}  =  \bold{u_{P}^*} - \bold{\Omega} \times  \bold{r}  and also the absolute velocity   \bold{u_{P}^*}  . \bold{r}  is the vector from the center of rotation to the position of interest. For this reason we get the equations solve in the case of a moving reference frame simply by adding the term  - \bold{\Omega} \times  \bold{r}  on both sides of equation (6) and continue with the same procedure as described in the following.

 a_P^*  = \frac{1}{\alpha}a_P are the modified diagonal coefficients of the matrix after the under relaxation.

The scope of the next step is to find a correction for the velocity  \bold u_p' and for the pressure  p' in order to find a velocity  \bold u_p  = \bold u_p^* +  \bold u_p' which satisfies the continuum equation:

    \bold{u_P}  =   \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } + \frac{\bold {H[u'] }}{a_P^* }  -  \frac{\nabla p_P^{n-1}}{a_P^* } - \frac{\nabla p_P'}{a_P^* }

The equation for the velocity correction can be written as:

    \bold{u_P'}  =   - \frac{\sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N'}}{a_P^* } - \frac{\nabla p_P'}{a_P^* } =     \frac{\bold {H[u'] }}{a_P^* }  - \frac{\nabla p_P'}{a_P^* }

Note that here it is assumed that the diagonal coefficients of the corrector equation are the same as in the momentum equation previously solved. Taking the divergence of the above equation and setting it to zero (we want to obtain a velocity field  \bold{u_P}   which satisfies the continuity equation) we get an equation for the pressure  p_p = p_p^{n-1} + p_p':

    \sum_f  \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }|_f \cdot S_f + \sum_f \frac{\bold {H[u'] }}{a_P^* }|_f  \cdot S_f   -  \sum_f \frac{\nabla p_P}{a_P^* }|_f  \cdot S_f   = 0

 |_f denotes the values evaluated at the face.

2.2.1 Simple

If we neglect the contribution of the neighbours of the velocity correction (i.e. we set   \bold {H[u'] } = 0 ) we get the pressure equation solved in the simplec algorithm:

    \sum_f  \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }|_f \cdot S_f    -  \sum_f \frac{\nabla p_P}{a_P^* }|_f  \cdot S_f   = 0

The source code can be found in pEqn.H:

          {          volScalarField rAU(          1.0/UEqn.A          (          )          );     volVectorField HbyA(constrainHbyA(rAU*UEqn.H          (          ), U, p)          );     surfaceScalarField phiHbyA(          "phiHbyA", fvc::flux          (HbyA)          );     MRF.makeRelative          (phiHbyA);     adjustPhi(phiHbyA, U, p);       tmp<volScalarField> rAtU(rAU);          if          (simple.consistent          (          )          )          {          rAtU =          1.0/(          1.0/rAU - UEqn.H1          (          )          );         phiHbyA +=             fvc::interpolate          (rAtU(          )          - rAU)*fvc::snGrad          (p)*mesh.magSf          (          );         HbyA -=          (rAU - rAtU(          )          )*fvc::grad          (p);          }          tUEqn.clear          (          );          // Update the pressure BCs to ensure flux consistency          constrainPressure(p, U, phiHbyA, rAtU(          ), MRF);          // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop          while          (simple.correctNonOrthogonal          (          )          )          {          fvScalarMatrix pEqn          (          fvm::laplacian          (rAtU(          ), p)          == fvc::div          (phiHbyA)          );           pEqn.setReference          (pRefCell, pRefValue);           pEqn.solve          (          );          if          (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter          (          )          )          {          phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux          (          );          }          }          #include "continuityErrs.H"          // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector          p.relax          (          );          // Momentum corrector          U = HbyA - rAtU(          )*fvc::grad          (p);     U.correctBoundaryConditions          (          );     fvOptions.correct          (U);          }

2.2.2 Simplec

The starting point for the simplec algorithm is the equation for the velocity correction. The goal is the obtain a simplification to get an explicit relation for the velocity correction and hence avoiding to solve a matrix equation:

     \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_N'}  \approx \sum_{N} \bold{a_N u_P'} = \bold{H_1 u_P'}

Inserting the above approximation into the equation for the velocity correction we get:

    \bold{(a_P^* - H_1) u_P'}  =   - \nabla p_P'

Solving for the velocity correction:

    \bold{ u_P'}  =   - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 }\nabla p_P'

The above equation formulates an explicit relation between velocity correction and pressure correction. In the next step we write down:

    \bold {u_P^*} + \bold{ u_P'}   =    \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \frac{\nabla p_P^{n-1}}{a_P^* } - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 }\nabla p_P'  =  \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1  }\nabla p_P

By taking the divergence of the above equation and setting it to zero we obtain the pressure equation for the simplec algorithm:

    \sum_f \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }|_f \cdot S_f -  \sum_f \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*}  |_f - \frac{1}{a_P^* |_f  - H_1 |_f  } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1} |_f \cdot S_f  - \sum_f \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1  }\nabla p_P  |_f \cdot S_f = 0

The difference between the pressure equation in the SIMPLE and SIMPLEC consists only in one term.

The source code for the pressure equation can be seen here:

        volScalarField rAU(          1.0/UEqn.A          (          )          );     volVectorField HbyA(constrainHbyA(rAU*UEqn.H          (          ), U, p)          );     surfaceScalarField phiHbyA(          "phiHbyA", fvc::flux          (HbyA)          );     MRF.makeRelative          (phiHbyA);     adjustPhi(phiHbyA, U, p);       tmp<volScalarField> rAtU(rAU);          if          (simple.consistent          (          )          )          {          rAtU =          1.0/(          1.0/rAU - UEqn.H1          (          )          );         phiHbyA +=             fvc::interpolate          (rAtU(          )          - rAU)*fvc::snGrad          (p)*mesh.magSf          (          );         HbyA -=          (rAU - rAtU(          )          )*fvc::grad          (p);          }          tUEqn.clear          (          );          // Update the pressure BCs to ensure flux consistency          constrainPressure(p, U, phiHbyA, rAtU(          ), MRF);          // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop          while          (simple.correctNonOrthogonal          (          )          )          {          fvScalarMatrix pEqn          (          fvm::laplacian          (rAtU(          ), p)          == fvc::div          (phiHbyA)          );           pEqn.setReference          (pRefCell, pRefValue);           pEqn.solve          (          );          if          (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter          (          )          )          {          phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux          (          );          }          }          #include "continuityErrs.H"          // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector          p.relax          (          );          // Momentum corrector          U = HbyA - rAtU(          )*fvc::grad          (p);     U.correctBoundaryConditions          (          );     fvOptions.correct          (U);          }

2.2.3 Step by step analysis of the pressure equation

In this section we will analyze step by step the pressure equation since this source code does not solve only the pressure equation but executes also the corrector step for the velocity (which is used as initial guess for the solution of the momentum equation in the next iteration step) and for the face flux  \Phi_f which is used to discretize the convective terms in the momentum equation.

      volScalarField rAU(          1.0/UEqn.A          (          )          );

This line computes the field of diagonal entries of the momentum equation required later on to solve the pressure equation:

 \bold{ra_P} = \frac{1}{\bold{a_P}}

Since the reciprocal of the diagonal is required a few times, the division is done once and then it is multiplied where required. This is done since the multiplication are computationally cheaper than the division.

      volVectorField HbyA(constrainHbyA(rAU*UEqn.H          (          ), U, p)          );

The source code can be found in the file $FOAM_SCR/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/constrainHbyA/constrainHbyA.C

  Foam::tmp<Foam::volVectorField> Foam::constrainHbyA          (          const          tmp<volVectorField>& tHbyA,          const          volVectorField& U,          const          volScalarField& p          )          {          tmp<volVectorField> tHbyANew;          if          (tHbyA.isTmp          (          )          )          {          tHbyANew = tHbyA;         tHbyANew.ref          (          ).rename          (          "HbyA"          );          }          else          {          tHbyANew =          new          volVectorField(          "HbyA", tHbyA);          }          volVectorField& HbyA = tHbyANew.ref          (          );     volVectorField::Boundary& HbyAbf = HbyA.boundaryFieldRef          (          );       forAll(U.boundaryField          (          ), patchi)          {          if          (          !U.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi].assignable          (          )          && !isA<fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressureFvPatchScalarField>          (          p.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi]          )          )          {          HbyAbf[patchi]          = U.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi];          }          }          return          tHbyANew;          }        

The velocity at the boundary face should satisfy following equation:

    \bold{u}|_{bf}  =   \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P }|_{bf} -  \frac{\nabla p{}}{a_P }|_{bf}

The subscript bf denoted that the quantity is evaluated at the boundary face. The function constrainHbyA ensures that the field   \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P }|_{bf} does not violate the above equation. The boundary condition fixedFluxExtrapolatedPressure sets the pressure gradient in order that the above equation is satisfied. If we cannot modify the velocity, the function sets the field  \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P }|_{bf}  = \bold{u}|_{bf} in order that the field   \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P }|_{bf} does not contradict the zero gradient boundary condition which should be applied for the pressure if the velocity is fixed.

      surfaceScalarField phiHbyA(          "phiHbyA", fvc::flux          (HbyA)          );

The above function performs the following operation:

  \Phi H =   \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P }\cdot S_f|_{f}

It interpolates the field   \frac{\bold {H[u] }}{a_P } at the cell faces and makes than the scalar product of the interpolated field with the surface vector  \bold{S}_f . The source can be found in $FOAM_SCR/finiteVolume/finiteVolume/fvc/fvcFlux.C

     Foam::tmp<Foam::surfaceScalarField> Foam::fvc::flux          (          const          volVectorField& vvf          )          {          return          scheme<vector>          (          vvf.mesh          (          ),          "flux("          +          (          )          +          ')'          )          (          ).dotInterpolate          (vvf.mesh          (          ).Sf          (          ), vvf);          }        

In a grid which is not deforming and moves with a moving frame of reference the continuity equation has to be satisfied within this grid. This means that the sum of the relative fluxes over the control volumes have to be zero:

  \sum_f \bold{u_R} |_f\cdot \bold{S}_f = 0

  \sum_f (\bold{u_I} - \bold{\Omega} \times \bold{R}) |_f\cdot \bold{S}_f = 0

 \bold{R} is the vector pointing from the origin of the rotation to the face center.

      MRF.makeRelative          (phiHbyA);

The source code can be found in $FOAM_SCR/cfdTools/general/MRF/MRFZoneTemplates.C and $FOAM_SCR/cfdTools/general/MRF/MRFZone.C

          void          Foam::MRFZone::makeRelative          (surfaceScalarField& phi)          const          {          makeRelativeRhoFlux(geometricOneField(          ), phi);          }          template<class RhoFieldType>          void          Foam::MRFZone::makeRelativeRhoFlux          (          const          RhoFieldType& rho,     surfaceScalarField& phi          )          const          {          if          (!active_)          {          return;          }          const          surfaceVectorField& Cf = mesh_.Cf          (          );          const          surfaceVectorField& Sf = mesh_.Sf          (          );          const          vector Omega = omega_->value(mesh_.time          (          ).timeOutputValue          (          )          )*axis_;          const          vectorField& Cfi = Cf;          const          vectorField& Sfi = Sf;     scalarField& phii = phi.primitiveFieldRef          (          );          // Internal faces          forAll(internalFaces_, i)          {          label facei = internalFaces_[i];         phii[facei]          -= rho[facei]*(Omega ^          (Cfi[facei]          - origin_)          )          & Sfi[facei];          }          makeRelativeRhoFlux(rho.boundaryField          (          ), phi.boundaryFieldRef          (          )          );          }        

This call ensures that the global mass balance is satisfied if one sets a refence pressure. For more details see the thread

      adjustPhi(phiHbyA, U, p);
      tmp<volScalarField> rAtU(rAU);

This if condition computes the fields required for the simplec method.

Furthermore it already adds the velocity correction to the field HbyA.

    \bold{HbyA} = \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1}

This field is later used to compute the corrected velocity to be used as initial condition for the next iteration of the momentum equation.

          if          (simple.consistent          (          )          )          {          rAtU =          1.0/(          1.0/rAU - UEqn.H1          (          )          );         phiHbyA +=             fvc::interpolate          (rAtU(          )          - rAU)*fvc::snGrad          (p)*mesh.magSf          (          );         HbyA -=          (rAU - rAtU(          )          )*fvc::grad          (p);          }          tUEqn.clear          (          );

This function updates the pressure gradient for the patches where a fixedFluxPressure boundary condition is chosen

          // Update the pressure BCs to ensure flux consistency          constrainPressure(p, U, phiHbyA, rAtU(          ), MRF);

For the simple method the velocity at point P con be written:

  \bold {u_P}  =     \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \frac{1}{a_P^* }\nabla p_P

For the simplec method the velocity obtains following expression:

  \bold {u_P}  =     \frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1  }\nabla p_P

If we add  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R}   to the above expression and make the dot product with the surface are vector  \bold{S}_f we get for the simple method

  (\bold {u_P}  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R})\cdot  \bold{S}_f    =    \underbrace{ (\frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R})\cdot  \bold{S}_f}_{\text{phiHbyA}}   -  \underbrace{\frac{1}{a_P^* }}_{\text{ rAtU}}\nabla p_P \cdot  \bold{S}_f

and for the simplec method

  (\bold {u_P}  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R})\cdot  \bold{S}_f      =     \underbrace{ (\frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R}   -  \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1})\cdot  \bold{S}_f}_{\text{phiHbyA}}   - \underbrace{\frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1  }}_{ \text{rAtU}}\nabla p_P  \cdot  \bold{S}_f

Finally we rearrange for the pressure gradient, divide by the magnitude of the surface are vector  |\bold{S}_f| and evaluate at the boundary we get (see also

            \nabla p_P  \cdot  \bold{n}_{bf}  = \frac{1}{|\bold{S}_{bf} | \text{rAtU} } (  \text{phiHbyA} - (\bold {u_P}  - \bold{\Omega}\times  \bold{R})\cdot  \bold{S}_{bf}  )            

The source code can be found in $FOAM_SRC/finiteVolume/cfdTools/general/constrainPressure/constrainPressure.C:

    template<class RAUType, class MRFType>          void          Foam::constrainPressure          (          volScalarField& p,          const          volVectorField& U,          const          surfaceScalarField& phiHbyA,          const          RAUType& rAU,          const          MRFType& MRF          )          {          constrainPressure(p, geometricOneField(          ), U, phiHbyA, rAU, MRF);          }          template<class RhoType, class RAUType, class MRFType>          void          Foam::constrainPressure          (          volScalarField& p,          const          RhoType& rho,          const          volVectorField& U,          const          surfaceScalarField& phiHbyA,          const          RAUType& rhorAU,          const          MRFType& MRF          )          {          const          fvMesh& mesh = p.mesh          (          );       volScalarField::Boundary& pBf = p.boundaryFieldRef          (          );          const          volVectorField::Boundary& UBf = U.boundaryField          (          );          const          surfaceScalarField::Boundary& phiHbyABf =         phiHbyA.boundaryField          (          );          const          typename          RAUType::Boundary& rhorAUBf =         rhorAU.boundaryField          (          );          const          surfaceVectorField::Boundary& SfBf =         mesh.Sf          (          ).boundaryField          (          );          const          surfaceScalarField::Boundary& magSfBf =         mesh.magSf          (          ).boundaryField          (          );       forAll(pBf, patchi)          {          if          (isA<fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField>(pBf[patchi]          )          )          {          refCast<fixedFluxPressureFvPatchScalarField>          (          pBf[patchi]          ).updateSnGrad          (          (          phiHbyABf[patchi]          - rho.boundaryField          (          )          [patchi]          *MRF.relative          (SfBf[patchi]          & UBf[patchi], patchi)          )          /(magSfBf[patchi]*rhorAUBf[patchi]          )          );          }          }          }

We see that fixedFluxPressure boundary condition sets the pressure gradient to the provided value such that the flux on the boundary is that specified by the velocity boundary condition. The pressure gradient is not set directly by the boundaryPatch but is set by the function constrainPressure which is called within the pressure equation.

In the next code snippet the pressure equation is solved. Furthermore a face flux  \phi_f is generated which is consistent with the pressure equation solved. Note that a very good explanation of the flux operator in OF can be found in and is therefore not explained in detail.

The dot product  \nabla p_f  \cdot \bold{S}_f can be decomposed in following manner:  \nabla p_f  \cdot \bold{S}_f  = \nabla p_f  \cdot \bold{E}_f + \nabla p_f  \cdot \bold{T}_f where the vector  \bold{E}_f is pointing in direction of the two nodes straddling the face and the other one is perpendicular to this direction. The first term in the sum can be computed as function of the two cell center straddling the face and hence can be solved implicitly. The other therm can be written down only in a explicit manner (i.e. it is cast in the source term of the equation). For this reason we need a few iteration if the grid is highly non orthogonal. For details see [3].

          // Non-orthogonal pressure corrector loop          while          (simple.correctNonOrthogonal          (          )          )          {          fvScalarMatrix pEqn          (          fvm::laplacian          (rAtU(          ), p)          == fvc::div          (phiHbyA)          );           pEqn.setReference          (pRefCell, pRefValue);           pEqn.solve          (          );          if          (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter          (          )          )          {          phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux          (          );          }          }        

This file writes the continuity error on the screen.

          #include "continuityErrs.H"        

To stabilize the iterative method only a portion of the new pressure is used for the subsequent steps where  \alpha is smaller than 1.

            p^{n+1} = p^{n} + \alpha (   p^{n+1} - p^{n}   )           

          // Explicitly relax pressure for momentum corrector          p.relax          (          );

The source code can be found in $FOAM_SRC/OpenFOAM/fields/GeometricFields/GeometricField/GeometricField.C

  template<class Type, template<class> class PatchField, class GeoMesh>          void          Foam::GeometricField<Type, PatchField, GeoMesh>::relax          (          const          scalar alpha)          {          DebugInFunction         <<          "Relaxing"          << nl << this->info(          )          <<          " by "          << alpha << endl;       operator==(prevIter(          )          + alpha*(*this          - prevIter(          )          )          );          }        

For the simple method the velocity at point P con be written:

  \bold {u_P}  =     \underbrace{\frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* }}_{\bold{HbyA}} -  \underbrace{\frac{1}{a_P^* }}_{rAtU}\nabla p_P

For the simplec method the velocity obtains following expression:

  \bold {u_P}  =     \underbrace{\frac{\bold {H[u^*] }}{a_P^* } -  \left ( \frac{1}{a_P^*} - \frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1 } \right )\nabla p_P^{n-1}}_{\bold{HbyA}}  - \underbrace{\frac{1}{a_P^* - H_1  }}_{rAtU}\nabla p_P

We see from the above expression that the next code snippet is responsible for updating the velocity which is used as initial guess for the solution of the momentum equation in the next step momentum predictor step.

          // Momentum corrector          U = HbyA - rAtU(          )*fvc::grad          (p);     U.correctBoundaryConditions          (          );     fvOptions.correct          (U);          }

2.3 Avoiding checker boarder effects

The usual way to avoid the so called "checker board" effect is to interpolate the velocities at the faces by means of the Rhie and Chow interpolation (see e.g. [4] or [5]. ) . The checker board effect has its origin in the absence of neighbouring pressure terms in the momentum equation due to the discretization of the pressure gradient term in the frame of the finite volume method using a collocated variable arrangement. The same absence of neighbouring pressure terms is obtained when the Laplacian term is discretized by linear interpolation of the pressure gradient on the face centres. In the implementation of the simpleFoam solver, the Rhie and Chow interpolation is not done in an explicit way. The introduction of neighbour pressure terms in the momentum and pressure equation is done in the spirit of Rhie and Chow [6] . It is achieved by two contribution: The first one is the way the Laplacian term is disretized (see also The second contribution is achieved by the flux() operator after the solution of the pressure equation:

          if          (simple.finalNonOrthogonalIter          (          )          )          {          phi = phiHbyA - pEqn.flux          (          );          }        

The principle of how the pressure oscillations are avoided in simpleFoam are explained by means of a simple 1D convection equation:

  \frac{\partial  \left(  \rho {u} u \right) }{\partial x}=   -\frac{\partial p} {\partial{x}}

The above equation is to be discretized on a equidistant grid:

    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  |                        |                         |                        |                        |                        | |                        |                         |                        |                        |                        |       |         WW             |ww       W               |w        P             e|          E          ee |               EE       | |                        |                         |                        |                        |                        | |                        |                         |                        |                        |                        | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The usual geographic notation is adoped to describe the discretization stencil around the point P for which the solution has to be obtained.

The discretization with a finite volume method leads to the following equation:

  \sum_f \phi_f u_f  = -\sum_f p_f S_f

 \phi_f is the phase flux and is computed from the previous iteration in order to resolve the non-linearity in the momentum equation. Evaluating the above sum for the central point P we get:

   \phi_e u_e -  \phi_w u_w    = - (p_e - p_w) \Delta y

With a central discretization of the velocity and pressure at the faces we obtain:

   \phi_e \frac{1}{2} (u_P + u_E) -  \phi_w  \frac{1}{2} ( u_P + u_W)    = - \left(\frac{1}{2}(p_P + p_E) - \frac{1}{2} (p_P + p_W)  \right) \Delta y

And finally:

   u_P \underbrace{ (\phi_e - \phi_w )}_{a_P} + \underbrace{u_E \phi_e -  u_W \phi_w}_{\bold H[u]}  =  - \left ( p_E - p_W \right)   \Delta y

It is evident that if no spatial care is taken and the face flux  \phi_f is obtained by linear interpolation of the velocities the velocity at the cell center P is not coupled with the pressure at P but only at the neighboring points E and W. The diagonal coefficient  \bold a_P are in this case  \bold a_P = \phi_e - \phi_w and the contributions of the neighbor cells  \bold H[u]   are  \bold H[u] =  u_E \phi_e -  u_W \phi_w  .

In order to understand how the pressure at the cell centre P is cast into the momentum equation it is important to understand how the flux() operator is defined in the fvMatrix class. Note that a very good description can be found in Using the implementation of the flux operator we get the new fluxes at the faces for this example:

   \phi_e =  \bold{ \frac{H[u^{-}]}{a_p^-}}|_e -  \frac{p_P - p_E}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|e}
   \phi_w =  \bold{ \frac{H[u^-]}{a_p^-}}|_w -  \frac{p_W - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|w}

Note that the quantities denoted with  {^-} denote the quantities at the previous iteration and  \Delta x = 1 in this illustriously example. Note also that the pressure used to correct the face fluxes come from the solution of the pressure equation. After inserting the two above relations for the phase fluxes on the east and west side of the cell centre in the momentum equation we get:

   u_P \left ( \bold{ \frac{H[u^{-}]}{a_p^-}}|_e  -   \bold{ \frac{H[u^-]}{a_p^-}}|_w -  \frac{p_P - p_E}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|e}  +  \frac{p_W - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|w}  \right ) + u_E\left(  \bold{ \frac{H[u^{-}]}{a_p^-}}|_e -  \frac{p_P - p_E}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|e} \right ) -  u_W \left ( \bold{ \frac{H[u^-]}{a_p^-}}|_w -  \frac{p_W - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P^-|w} \right ) =  - \left ( p_E - p_W \right)   \Delta y

It evident that by correcting the face fluxes with the flux() operator of the fvMatrix class we obtain a dependency of the velocity at the centre point P from the pressure at the centre point P. Furthermore also the pressure and velocities at the neighbouring points E and W enter the momentum equation.

The second measure undertaken to avoid a decoupling of the pressure at neighbouring points is achieved by the way the Laplacian operator is discretized: It computes the gradient at the cell faces by computing the difference between neighbour and owner cell centre and dividing this difference by the distance between this two points. In this way when the sum of all gradients is taken over the faces of a cell, the computational stencil is much smaller compared with the procedure to interpolated the gradient computed at the cell centre on the faces. Furthermore it involves direct neighbours without alternately skipping neighbours. In this way we obtain the following pressure equation for our simple example:

   \bold{ \frac{H[u^{*}]}{a_p}}|_e -  \bold{ \frac{H[u^{*}]}{a_p}}|_w +  \frac{p_E - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P|e} -   \frac{p_P - p_W}{\Delta x \bold a_P|w}  = 0

After interpolating the H operator we get:

  \frac{1}{2} \left ( \bold{ \frac{H[u^{*}]_E}{a_E}} -  \bold{ \frac{H[u^{*}]_W}{a_W}} \right )+  \frac{p_E - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P|e} -   \frac{p_P - p_W}{\Delta x \bold a_P|w}  = 0

and finally:

  \frac{1}{2} \left ( \frac{\phi_{ee}u^*_{EE}-  \phi_e u^*_P }{\phi_{ee} - \phi_e} - \frac{\phi_{w}u^*_{P}-  \phi_{ww} u^*_{WW} }{\phi_{w} - \phi_{ww}} \right )+  \frac{p_E - p_P}{\Delta x \bold a_P|e} -   \frac{p_P - p_W}{\Delta x \bold a_P|w}  = 0

From the above relation we can clearly see, that with a discretization of the Laplacian operator by interpolating the pressure gradients to the cell centre we would have a pressure stencil involving the points P, WW and EE. Since in the computation of the source term of the pressure equation we have the velocities stored at the points P, WW and EE we would have a complete decoupling of the neighbouring points in the pressure equation. This allows the existence of oscillatory solutions in the discrete case which are not part of the continuous solutions.

2.4 Equations for the turbulence

The way the turbulent stresses enter into the momentum equation is well described here:

3 References

  1. Moukalled, F., L. Mangani, and M. Darwish. "The finite volume method in computational fluid dynamics." An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab (2016):
  2. Moukalled, F., L. Mangani, and M. Darwish. "The finite volume method in computational fluid dynamics." An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab (2016):
  3. Moukalled, F., L. Mangani, and M. Darwish. "The finite volume method in computational fluid dynamics." An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab (2016):
  4. Moukalled, F., L. Mangani, and M. Darwish. "The finite volume method in computational fluid dynamics." An Advanced Introduction with OpenFOAM and Matlab (2016):
  5. Ferziger, Joel H., and Milovan Peric. Computational methods for fluid dynamics. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012.
  6. Jasak, Hrvoje. "Error analysis and estimation for the finite volume method with applications to fluid flows." (1996).


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