What Are Four Nutrients Needed to Develop Strong Bones & Teeth?

The health and strength of our bones rely on a counterbalanced diet and a steady stream of nutrients — near importantly, calcium and Vitamin D.

Calcium is a mineral that people need to build and maintain stiff bones and teeth. It is also very important for other physical functions, such as muscle control and blood apportionment.

Calcium is not made in the body — it must exist captivated from the foods we eat. To effectively blot calcium from food, our bodies need Vitamin D.

If nosotros do not accept enough calcium in our diets to keep our bodies operation, calcium is removed from where information technology is stored in our bones. Over time, this causes our bones to grow weaker and may atomic number 82 to osteoporosis, a disorder in which basic get very fragile.

Postmenopausal women are near vulnerable to osteoporosis. Although loss of estrogen is the primary reason for this, poor lifelong calcium and Vitamin D intake, as well as lack of exercise, play a part in the development of osteoporosis.

Note that men also are at risk for osteoporosis — typically later in life than women — and information technology is important for them to keep runway of calcium intakes, likewise.

Calcium needs vary with age. The Nutrient and Diet Board (FNB) of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies provides guidelines on the amount of calcium needed each twenty-four hours.

Recommended Daily Assart in Milligrams (mg)

Life Stage Grouping  Recommended Daily Calcium Intake
Women and men nine to xviii years  1,300 mg
Women and men nineteen to l years  ane,000 mg
Women 51 to 70 years  1,200 mg
Men 51 to seventy years  1,000 mg
Women and men > seventy years  ane,200 mg
Pregnant or nursing women 14 to eighteen years  1,300 mg
Pregnant or nursing women nineteen to 50 years  1,000 mg

Reprinted and adapted with permission from Tables Southward-1 and S-2, Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D, 2011 past the National Academy of Sciences, Courtesy of the National Academies Printing, Washington, D.C.

Dietary Sources of Calcium

People can get the recommended daily amount of calcium past eating a healthy diet that includes a variety of calcium-rich foods. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products are the biggest food sources of calcium. Other high-calcium foods include:

  • Kale, broccoli, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), and other green leafy vegetables
  • Sardines, salmon, and other soft-bone fish
  • Tofu
  • Breads, pastas, and grains
  • Calcium-fortified cereals, juices, and other beverages.

A more than complete listing of calcium-rich foods is included at the end of this commodity.

Some foods brand information technology harder for the body to absorb calcium. In particular, yous should avoid sodas and carbonated beverages, not just for bone health just for many nutritional reasons, including preventing obesity. Sodas decrease calcium absorption in the intestines and contain empty calories. Milk, calcium-fortified juices, and water are improve potable alternatives for all historic period groups.

Calcium Supplements

Although acceptable calcium can exist obtained through your nutrition, it is difficult for many people, particularly for those who avoid dairy products. People who are lactose-intolerant or vegans, who practice not swallow dairy products, have a harder time getting enough calcium from foods.

It is also hard to get enough calcium from the diet during sure times of our lives, such as in adolescence when our bodies require more calcium to build strong basic for life. Postmenopausal women and men older than age 70 likewise require more than calcium to slow down bone loss.

Doctors recommend calcium supplements to those who do non get enough calcium from the foods they eat. Although calcium is sometimes found in multivitamins, information technology is typically non in significant amounts. Many people need to accept separate calcium supplements to ensure they reach the Recommended Dietary Allowance for their life stage.

Not all the calcium consumed — whether through nutrient or supplement — is really absorbed in the intestines. Research shows that calcium is absorbed most efficiently when it is taken in doses less than 500 mg. Because many calcium supplements come in 500 mg doses, people who require 1,000 mg of supplementation each day should take their doses at separate times. Newer daily tedious release formulations of calcium citrate that supply 1,200 mg have recently become available.

Most calcium supplements also contain Vitamin D, which helps the torso absorb calcium.

Without Vitamin D, our bodies cannot finer blot calcium.

Children who lack adequate Vitamin D develop a condition chosen rickets, which causes os weakness and puts them at take a chance for fracture, bowed legs, and other skeletal deformities, such equally stooped posture. Adults with very depression Vitamin D can develop a status called osteomalacia (soft bone). Like rickets, osteomalacia tin can as well crusade os pain and deformities of long bones, and predispose you to fracture.

Vitamin D Recommended Dietary Allowance

The FNB recommends 400 International Units (IU) of Vitamin D for infants during the first year of life. The RDA for everyone from historic period i through lxx years is 600 IU. Recent research, notwithstanding, supports that the body needs at to the lowest degree thou IU per day for good bone wellness, starting at age five.

Getting plenty vitamin D from what we swallow is very difficult. While many foods contain some Vitamin D, few incorporate enough to see the daily recommended levels for optimal os health.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children take Vitamin D supplements.

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, children were routinely given cod liver oil for a range of medicinal purposes. When cod liver oil was tied to the prevention and treatment of rickets, Vitamin D was discovered. Shortly after, Vitamin D was added to milk — one glass of milk contains virtually 100 IU of Vitamin D. As a upshot, parents stopped using cod liver oil. Considering today's children do not drink equally much milk every bit in the past, it is difficult for them to go enough Vitamin D from milk. In add-on, other dairy products are not typically supplemented with Vitamin D.

Although our bodies tin can make Vitamin D in our skin when it is exposed to good sunlight, it is very important to protect our skin past using sunscreen when nosotros are outdoors. This blocks the excessive UV radiation that can cause pare cancer. However, sunscreen as well blocks our peel'south power to brand Vitamin D. This is why doctors often recommend Vitamin D supplements for both adults and children. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all children — from infancy through adolescence — take Vitamin D supplements.

Likewise much calcium and/or Vitamin D can be harmful and crusade serious side effects. In addition to establishing RDA guidelines, the FNB has established Tolerable Upper Intake Levels (ULs). These stand for the highest levels of calcium and Vitamin D that can exist consumed by the average private and still be safety.

These ULs are of import guidelines for people who may require dissimilar dosages of these supplements. For example, people who live in areas with little sun, those with darker pare, and people who are obese may need more than Vitamin D than the recommended daily amount.

Note that ULs are not levels that people should attempt to attain — they are the safety limits based on current research. When intake goes beyond the ULs listed below, the take chances for serious side effects increases.

Upper Condom Limit for Calcium Intake

Life Stage Upper Safety Limit
Birth to six months  1,000 mg
Infants 7-12 months  1,500 mg
Children one-8 years  2,500 mg
Children 9-18 years  3,000 mg
Adults 19-l years  ii,500 mg
Adults 51 years and older  two,000 mg
Meaning and breastfeeding teens  3,000 mg
Pregnant and breastfeeding adults  two,500 mg

Upper Prophylactic Limit for Vitamin D Intake

Age Male person Female   Pregnancy    Lactation
0-6 months 1000 IU  1000 IU
7-12 months 1500 IU  1500 IU
1-3 years 2500 IU  2500 IU
4-8 years 3000 IU  3000 IU
≥ix years 4000 IU  4000 IU    4000 IU   4000 IU

Reprinted and adapted with permission from Tables Due south-1 and South-2, Dietary Reference Intakes for Calcium and Vitamin D, 2011 by the National Academy of Sciences, Courtesy of the National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.

More foods in the U.S. are being fortified with calcium and Vitamin D, and awareness of the importance of these nutrients for bone wellness is growing. In recent years, the media has reported on the potential health benefits of taking loftier levels of Vitamin D, such as in the areas of cancer prevention, diabetes management, and centre health. Equally a issue, it is becoming more likely that people may consume dangerous quantities of these nutrients.

The FNB conducted an all-encompassing review of the medical literature and found enough testify of os health benefits to support raising the UL levels on Vitamin D in adults from 2000 IU to 4000 IU. What the FNB also determined, however, is that very loftier levels of Vitamin D (to a higher place 10000 IUs per twenty-four hours) can crusade kidney damage and dangerously high serum calcium levels. Too much calcium from dietary supplements can besides crusade adverse wellness effects, including kidney stones, college risks for heart problems, and possibly increased chance for prostate cancer.

Calcium and Vitamin D are essential for good bone health, just they must be consumed safely. If y'all are not sure what intake levels are right for you and your health needs, be sure to talk to your medico.

Many other nutrients — near found naturally and at sufficient levels in a typical diet — contribute to os health and growth. They include:

  • Phosphorus. A major mineral in the trunk'southward bone crystal, phosphorus is found in dairy products and meat, besides as shellfish, beans, sunflower seeds, lentils, sardines, and cheese. Vitamin D improves phosphorus absorption in the intestine and kidney.
  • Magnesium. Primarily found in bone crystals, magnesium improves os strength. Older adults are more than likely to exist scarce in magnesium. Calcium supplements that contain magnesium can aid. You tin also observe it in foods similar spinach, bananas, basics and seeds, avocado, and chickpeas,
  • Vitamin Grand. Necessary for bone formation and mineralization, Vitamin K also is important for blood clotting, and may aid in channeling calcium directly to the os rather than the blood vessels. You can get Vitamin Grand from leafy greens, avocado, kiwi, asparagus, and pumpkin.
  • Vitamin C. Collagen is the master protein in os, and Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis. Vitamin C is nowadays in citrus fruits and tomatoes, and in many vegetables, including sweet yellow pepper, cherry-red bell pepper, broccoli, and kale.
  • Vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for cells to develop usually and for normal skeletal growth, and also is extremely important for heart health. Vitamin A is bachelor in liver, eggs, butter, dark-green leafy vegetables, and carrots. Too little vitamin A is a major cause of blindness worldwide. In dissimilarity, too much vitamin A can crusade os loss and increase the risk of hip fracture. The animal source supplements (retinols) may crusade toxicity but plant sources (B carotene) practice not. Daily intake of retinols should exist less than 10000 IU.

Selecting foods high in calcium is 1 style to assistance you accomplish your targeted daily calcium intake. Hither are some major food sources of calcium to assist your meal planning.

Selected Food Sources of Calcium
Food Milligrams (mg) per serving Percentage DV*
Yogurt, plain, lowfat, 8 ounces  415   42
Orange juice, calcium-fortified, half dozen ounces  375   38
Yogurt, fruit, lowfat, 8 ounces  338-384   34-38
Mozzarella, part skim, 1.5 ounces  333   33
Sardines, canned in oil, with bones, 3 ounces  325   33
Cheddar cheese, 1.five ounces  307   31
Milk, nonfat, 8 ounces**  299   30
Milk, reduced-fatty (two% milk fat), 8 ounces  293   29
Milk, buttermilk, 8 ounces  282-350   28-35
Milk, whole (three.25% milk fatty), 8 ounces  276   28
Tofu, house, made with calcium sulfate, ane/two cup***  253   25
Salmon, pink, canned, solids with bone, 3 ounces  181   18
Cottage cheese, 1% milk fat, 1 loving cup  138   14
Tofu, soft, fabricated with calcium sulfate, 1/two cup***  138   14
Instant breakfast drinkable, various flavors and brands, powder prepared with water, 8 ounces  105-250   x-25
Frozen yogurt, vanilla, soft serve, 1/2 cup  103   10
Set up-to-eat cereal, calcium-fortified, 1 cup  100-1,000   ten-100
Turnip greens, fresh, boiled, 1/2 cup  99   10
Kale, fresh, cooked, one cup  94   9
Kale, raw, chopped, 1 cup  90   9
Water ice cream, vanilla, one/two cup  84   8
Soy drinkable, calcium-fortified, 8 ounces  80-500   8-50
Chinese cabbage (bok choy) raw, shredded, one cup  74   7
Bread, white, 1 slice  73   7
Pudding, chocolate, ready to eat, refrigerated, four ounces  55   half dozen
Tortilla, corn, ready-to-broil/fry, 1 6" diameter  46   five
Tortilla, flour, gear up-to-bake/fry, one half-dozen" diameter  32   3
Sour cream, reduced fat, cultured, 2 tablespoons  31   3
Bread, whole-wheat, 1 slice  30   three
Broccoli, raw, 1/2 cup  21   two
Cheese, cream, regular, 1 tablespoon  14   1

* DV = Daily Value. DVs were developed by the U.S. Nutrient and Drug Administration to help consumers compare the nutrient contents among products within the context of a total daily diet. The DV for calcium is ane,000 mg for adults and children age 4 and older. Foods providing 20% of more of the DV are considered to be high sources of a nutrient, just foods providing lower percentages of the DV also contribute to a healthy diet. The U.South. Department of Agriculture's Nutrient Database website lists the nutrient content of many foods. It as well provides a comprehensive list of foods containing calcium.

** Calcium content varies slightly by fat content; the more than fat, the less calcium the food contains.

*** Calcium content is for tofu that is candy with a calcium common salt. Tofu processed with other salts does not provide significant amounts of calcium.

Source: National Institutes of Health (NIH): U.South. Department of Agriculture, Agronomical Research Service. 2011. USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 24; Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


Source: https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/calcium-nutrition-and-bone-health/

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