Murabella Animal Hospital's Premier Pet Care Plan

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Premier Pet Care Plan

Our market leading health plans offer a simple, affordable, and user-friendly solution to premium preventative health care.

Our plans are bespoke, flexible, easy to set-up and manage providing you with all of the tools to deliver gold-standard preventive healthcare to your clients, benefitting your practice with increased compliance, a fixed revenue stream and happy clients and healthy pets.

I'm a pet owner


Unrivalled financial and technology infrastructure. As the first UK health plan to deliver a live banking tool, we make it so much easier for your practice to promote, sign-up and administrate pets on to plan.


An ever-evolving solution requires consistent investment. Since launching in 2010, we continue to invest in our state-of-the-art technology, people, training and all the support tools needed to make your plan successful.


A proven track-record of using innovation to better support your practice and client's needs. Our complimentary suite of services and support tools are unique to us and are continually updated to make your life easier and unlock your practice's business potential.

Delivering Success

We aim to deliver an average of 30% of practice pets on plan, combined with one of the lowest cancelation rates of 1.6%. Our customer experience team work with you to monitor your progress and optimise performance.

Training & Support

Full access to the PVA Academy - a flexible and tailored training platform offering a comprehensive range of training courses, available to you via face-to-face, video conference, pre-recorded, 'how to guides', webinars and e-learning.


We listen to you and are open to your suggestions on how we can develop our services. Our plans and support packages are tailored to you, taking the time to understand your practice goals, needs and aspirations.

I have worked alongside Julia for a few years now. She has supported my staff through training, portal updates and GDPR changes. Everything is clear and very easy to understand. The office support is also very good. Emails are dealt with promptly and efficiently. I am very please with the support and service the team and I get from PVA

Shuttleworth Veterinary Group

"Thank you to Premier Vet Alliance, especially Julia, for providing all the support we have needed to be able to offer our valued clients the best protection and preventative treatments for their pets at an affordable monthly cost"

Sharon Wood

Valley Vet Care

"PVA opened my eyes to the awareness that people such as myself; Vets who run small, independent practices, do count in the world of veterinary business. I realise that PVA are fighting the corner of the independent veterinary practice and are doing so very much upon guiding principles of support and valuing us as a sector of the veterinary market. But it's not just that with PVA, they are a truly approachable team who work with great efficiency; I find they often email me back outside of business hours, or an email sent before work pings back practically straight away. Every member on the phone is familiar, knows who I am and want's to support me. And they are offering an ever increasing repertoire of tools to help my business. Now there is greater transparency on net net pricing. There are tools for comparisons of products in treatment groups to assess what discounts I can expect."

Julie Gray

Veterinary Surgeon, Abbeyfields Veterinary Centre, Staffordshire

"The Premier Vet Alliance are a pleasure to work with. They have been consistent in delivering a strong pre-plan analysis for our health plans and provided a great service and valuable training; with fantastic aftercare support and follow-up."

Emma Smith

Practice Manager, Runnymede Hill Veterinary Hospital

"The client portal is easy to use and we get a 5 star customer service from Julia and Chris. We recently turned down an offer from another provider because of the above."

Nathan Ross

Cambridge Road Vets, Ellesmere Port

"Just over half of active clients at Cootes, an independently-owned veterinary clinic in West Sussex, have signed up to Premier Pet Care Plan, helping Cootes to increase business by 12% and food sales by 25% in their first year with PPCP."

Cootes Veterinary Clinic

West Sussex

"Our previous VIP Plan was complicated and not very client friendly. PVA Premier Pet Care Plan - understood the importance of having a great Care Plan & gave us a structure to work with making the whole process simple. They spent time with us discussing our ideas so we could decide on a Care Plan suitable for our clients, their owners and the business. 6 weeks after launch day we have seen a 25% increase in membership from our old more complicated VIP Plan and the client feedback has been very positive. Julia is always available to speak to us if we need any help and the PPCP Admin Team managing the direct debits are also helpful on the telephone. Whilst I will be seeing Julia for our 6 months review she has also popped in just to check everything is all right which the Team really appreciate. Altogether, working with PVA Premier Pet Care Plan - has been a great experience & I look forward to working with them as our membership grows."

Gill Tansey

Practice Manager, Aireworth Vets, Keighley, Yorkshire

We decided to change our VIP Scheme in 2017 & Premier Vet Alliance worked with us to design & launch our new plan. Since launching in June 2017, we have doubled our membership. The plan is simple & easy to understand for both Owners & our team. This means our team are confident speaking to Owners about the benefits of being on the Plan. The Client portal is easy to use & gives us up to date MI enabling us to monitor membership numbers, drop offs & deal with any Owner queries. We have a dedicated Practice Support Manager Julia Lyons who is always available to support the Practice. Julia helped with our initial team training & launch day & is always happy to do further training for new Employees or refresher sessions. Julia even helped on our stand at the local Agricultural Show on a weekend. Julia also arranges a face to face annual review to discuss any issues & plan for the next 12 months brainstorming new ideas to increase & enhance membership. We cannot speak highly enough about Premier Vet Alliance. Julia supported us in the beginning & continues to support us as frequently as we want. The Plan has been an overwhelming success & continues to support our Owners to make sure their pets receive gold standard care at an affordable price.

Gill Tansey

Aireworth vets

"Elands had been running a wellness plan for 9 years and had only 189 signed up. Within just 20 months of switching to Premier Pet Care Plan they achieved a growth of 177%, to 525 pets signed up. From a business point of view, it just makes sense, having that regular income is really useful for us. Monthly revenue has increased five times since Premier Pet Care Plan took over our old plan. The online live banking portal is really helpful, we have live financial information on there and we can immediately see if something's wrong with their payment. It's also really really helpful when someone's setting up their plan in that we check the bank account straight away so we know if we've got an incorrect bank account number It's reduced the administration time of going back to people and chasing bank account numbers; we can do it all in one piece." Madelene Kasch, Veterinary Surgeon "I would recommend Premier Pet Care Plan. It's helped us just because the animals are coming in (for regular health checks) and we're seeing them and I think that we are able to give them better care."

Liz La-Page

Practice Manager, Elands Veterinary Clinic, Sevenoaks

Sarah saw the value in offering a preventative healthcare plan and initially signed up with another provider, but with complicated administration, recruiting pets onto the plan fell far short of the initial target, and Heath Vets saw a disappointing 160 pets on plan after four years. That's where Premier Pet Care Plan came in. Sarah knew a wellness plan could work for her clients and, with two busy practices to run, was attracted by the simplicity of our plan and the promise of ongoing support. In just three years, she has recruited five times the number of clients, totalling an impressive 874 pets to date. Sarah is delighted with the performance of the plan and what it means for her clients. One of her happy VIP plan members commented, "The Heath Vets Premier Pet Care Plan has been invaluable, saving us money at every visit."

Sarah Solomon

Owner, Heath Vets, Sussex

The plans are straight forward and assistance is always available... Having just opened a new clinic and wanting to go above and beyond for our new clients, again we chose to go with PVA. The support materials, one on one training, assistance and visits from Kate have been great. The service has been fantastic.


As I say to the clients, it's a 'no-brainer' for them. Why pay full price, when they could be getting discount? It's great for us, plus best for the pet, as I have noted a steady rise in product sold over these years with PVA, indicating that pets are more likely to get year-round protection when the products are pre-paid. That's what I call win-win-win! I feel that the training, and the support with hand outs that are super-easy to read and with pricing make the charges worthwhile. PVA have given The Mewes Vets a more financially secure future, which I really appreciate.

Dr J Mewes MRCVS

The Mewes Vets Ltd

Since we took out our Pet Health Plans' with PVA, they have made a significant impact on our business. The PVA portal is simple and workable and the support team are amazing, they are so helpful at all times. Regular visits and emails from our Practice Support Training Manager, Jo, keeps the practice up to date with any changes and new lines that are developing all the time.

James Street Veterinary Centre


Premier Vet Alliance has been excellent at developing and helping us manage our pet health plan. We call our plan the VIP plan, when in truth, its Julia and the team at PVA that treat us as VIPs. Julia is always just a phone call away and has great suggestions for any problems we may have. PVA have clearly gone to great efforts to resolve any delays in responding to our queries as we now get a response, usually with complete resolution, with around 24 hours. We would happily recommend PVA to anyone who wants to start a pet health plan of their own — in fact, we would recommend you don't do it unless thevre on board.

Danny McClelland

Hillcrest Animal Hospital

Previous Next


Absolutely. A pet on plan is likely to increase the average compliance on parasiticide products by 233%. We work with you to build a bespoke health plan, unique to your clinic and provide all the necessary knowledge and ongoing support with the aim of enabling you to sign 30% of active pets up onto your plan, which improves compliance and pet health across your client base.

A client with a pet on a health plan has been recorded to spend more money in the clinic compared to a pet not on a plan. This increase in spend is seen across all dept of the clinic (dental, surgery, consultations, diagnostics, food etc.) In addition to the fixed recurring revenue from the plan, it delivers a guaranteed monthly income to you.

Our plans act as a loyalty discount programme especially for those clients you may only see once a year and through consistent communication from face-to-face to online or via SMS, you can build closer relationships with your Platinum, Gold, Silver and even Bronze clients. We work with you to develop your plan so that it appeals to all your client base and we aim to deliver atleast 30% of pets on plan by three years. Our research shows that 99% of pets stay on plan for at least three months.,with 93% staying compliant for more than 12 months, ensuring healthier pets and happy customers.

Having owned clinics ourselves, we are in a unique position to understand the real challenges you face and we have designed our service to provide you with all the tools you will need to maximise the health plan opportunity that exists in your clinic. Our investment is unrivalled, and we are often recognised as the innovator in the market.

We provide a core support model for all our Health Plan customers (digital portal, training, reporting, customer service) and in addition to this, we have developed complementary but optional services, which can be accessed by your clinic at any time.

Of course. In fact, it couldn't be easier to transfer your active plans using the new Bacs bulk transfer process. Once you provide the necessary authority, PVA will manage the rest with your existing provider.

Our Statistics


Clinics in the UK run a Preventative Health Plan


Dog owners on average spend more in clinic than non-plan members

49% +

PVA plans can deliver more pets on plan

Murabella Animal Hospital's Premier Pet Care Plan


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