What Can You Take if Your Constipated While Pregnant

Constipation During Pregnancy


Medically Reviewed by Lisa Hickman, M.D.

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on October 21, 2020

What causes constipation during pregnancy — and what to do when your bowels just can't seem to get a move on.

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Irregular bowel movements that cause a bloated, gassy, clogged-up feeling are a very regular pregnancy complaint. Here's what you can do if you're feeling stopped up.

When does constipation generally start during pregnancy?

Constipation tends to start as early as progesterone levels rise, around the second to third month of pregnancy. It may get worse as pregnancy progresses and your uterus grows.

What causes constipation during pregnancy?

As with many other pregnancy symptoms, pregnancy hormones are the culprit behind constipation. Progesterone causes the muscles in your bowels to relax, allowing food to hang around longer in the digestive tract.

The upside is there's added time for nutrients to be absorbed into your bloodstream and reach your baby. The downside is you end up with a waste-product traffic jam. Your expanding uterus also takes up valuable space normally occupied by your bowel, cramping its usual activity.

What can I do about constipation when I'm pregnant?

You don't have to resign yourself to nine months of discomfort. There are plenty of tactics to combat colon congestion (all the while heading off hemorrhoids, a common side effect of constipation):

  • Fight back with fiber. Fiber-rich foods help you eliminate waste; aim for 25 to 35 grams each day. Check the food labels if you want, but there's no need to do the math. Instead, focus on simply eating plenty of whole grain cereals and breads, legumes (edamame and chickpeas), fresh fruits and veggies (raw or lightly cooked — preferably with skin left on), and dried fruits. Going for the green can also help you go, in both the form of leafy green vegetables and kiwi fruit, which packs a potent laxative effect. Sample from this fiber-rich and tasty menu to get started. Really plugged up? Try adding some bran or psyllium to your diet, starting with a sprinkle and increasing as needed. Be sure to check with your doctor first before you do this, though, and don't go overboard, since these fiber powerhouses can carry away important nutrients before they can be absorbed. (Also be prepared for some flatulence, another common complaint of pregnancy as well as a temporary side effect of upping the fiber in your diet.)
  • Resist refined. Try to avoid refined grains (white bread, white rice, refined cereals and pasta) when you can; they tend to back things up.
  • Drink up. Downing between eight and 10 8-ounce glasses of fluids (water, vegetable or fruit juice and broth) every day keeps solids moving through your digestive tract and makes your stool soft and easier to pass. You can also turn to warm liquids, including that health spa staple, hot water and lemon, to help stimulate peristalsis (the intestinal contractions that help you go). Prune juice is a good pick for truly tough cases, since it's a mild laxative.
  • Don't max out at mealtime. Big meals can overtax your digestive tract, leading to things getting backed up. Try eating six mini-meals a day rather than three large ones and you might also experience less gas and bloating.
  • Go when you gotta go. Regularly holding it in can weaken the muscles that control your bowels and lead to constipation, so try to go whenever you have to.
  • Consider your supplements and medications. Ironically, many of the supplements and medications that do a pregnant body good (prenatal vitamins, calcium and iron supplements, and antacids) can exacerbate constipation. So check with your practitioner about alternatives (such as slow-release iron supplements) or adjustments in dosages until the situation improves.Also ask your practitioner about taking a magnesium supplement to help fight constipation. Taking it at night may relax achy muscles and help you sleep better, too.
  • Get your fill of probiotics. The probiotic acidophilus, found in yogurts that contain active cultures, stimulate the intestinal bacteria to break down food better to keep things moving. You can also ask your practitioner to recommend a good probiotic supplement in capsules, chewables or powder form that can be added to smoothies.
  • Get a move on. Regular exercise during pregnancy encourages regular bowel movements. Even just a 10-minute walk can get things moving, so make sure you're getting the recommended amount of practitioner-approved exercise.
  • Stay away from stimulant laxatives. Not all laxatives and stool softeners (especially herbal or homemade ones) are safe for use during pregnancy. Talk to your practitioner before taking any constipation medication or remedy.
  • Do your Kegels. Straining when you're constipated (along with simply being pregnant and giving birth!) can cause your pelvic floor muscles to weaken, but regular Kegels can help keep those muscles stronger.
  • Talk with your doctor. Let your provider know if at-home measures aren't getting things moving. She may recommend over-the-counter meds like docusate or polyethylene glycol.

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Can I prevent constipation during pregnancy?

Healthy eating habits and regular exercise encourage a speedy digestive system, which can help prevent constipation during pregnancy.

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Consuming lots of fiber-rich foods (fruits, veggies, whole grains, lentils), drinking enough water and staying (or getting) active can all combine to prevent constipation by counteracting the natural digestive slowdown of pregnancy.

What to Expect selects products based on independent research  and suggestions from our community of millions of parents; learn more about our review process. We may earn commissions from shopping links.

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When can I expect constipation to end while I'm pregnant?

For some women, constipation lasts throughout pregnancy as progesterone levels peak. However, if you change up your eating and exercise habits, things usually begin moving more smoothly. And you can take steps to combat constipation at any point during your pregnancy.

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From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect When You're Expecting, 5th edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Your Guide to Pregnancy Hormones, September 2018.
  • WhatToExpect.com, Are You Drinking Enough Water During Pregnancy?, October 2019.
  • American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Problems of the Digestive System, June 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Is It Safe to Take Stool Softeners to Treat Pregnancy Constipation?, April 2020.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Treating Constipation During Pregnancy, August 2012.
  • Mayo Clinic, Kegel Exercises: A How-To Guide for Women, September 2020.

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What Can You Take if Your Constipated While Pregnant

Source: https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/symptoms-and-solutions/constipation.aspx

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